The Claims Division processes several types of claims for and against the government. To determine the correct office to file your claim, review the Military Claims Office Finder.

Tort Claims (FTCA and MCA)

Claims for property damage and/or personal injury or wrongful death caused by the negligence of a government employee acting within the scope of employment are payable under the Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA) or the Military Claims Act (MCA). A claim must be presented to the Army or other appropriate federal agency within 2 years of accrual. The proper format for filing a claim is a completed Standard Form 95 (SF-95). A copy is available below and can also be found at at ''Forms Library. By federal law, the claims office has six months from the date the claim is properly presented to take action on the claim. In order for us to adjudicate your claim fairly and quickly, please complete the SF-95 according to the instructions on the final page of the form.

Standard Form (SF) 95  -- (Jurisdiction: MD & PA)

Please email Tort Claims inquiries to:


Medical Affirmative Claims

The Federal Medical Care Recovery Act (FMCRA) authorizes military treatment facilities (MTFs) to recover the cost of furnishing health care to DoD beneficiaries, including active duty members, who are injured or suffer an illness caused by a third party. Affirmative claims are claims filed by the United States Army against the persons who injure service members, dependents, and retirees. Affirmative claims are filed in order to recover lost federal wages and the cost of medical care provided. Affirmative claims are not filed against the injured person.

Attorney Representation Agreement

Statement of Incident Questionnaire (SOIQ) -- (Jurisdiction: MD, PA & DE)

Affirmative Claims FAQ

Affirmative Claims Branch Fact Sheet

Medical Affirmative Claims Quick Start Instructions

Please email Affirmative Claims inquiries to:

Personal Property Claims

Claims for personal property lost or damaged during moves are handled through the Personnel Claim Army Information Management System (PCLAIMS). The system requires a DOD ID number.