Mission Statement
To respond to our collective responsibility to be stewards of our natural environment and to pass down a planet to future generations that is better than we found it.
New! Electronics Recycling Program
In addition to toner cartridges, DPW is now accepting the following eWaste and white goods (aka electronics and appliances) for recycling. Only office / official government goods are accepted. This service is not available for personal / household items.
Approved items can be dropped off in Building 666, Room 121 by appointment only. Leaving items outside the room or the building is strictly prohibited. To set up an appointment for drop off, or to request pick-up of large items / bulk quantities, call 978-615-6252 or 978-615-6100.
Only the below listed items are currently accepted: *
- AC Units**
- All applicances**
- Battery operated tools (batteries must be removed)
- Chargers
- Copiers
- Desk Phones
- Fax Machines
- Fire alarmy equipment
- Keyboards
- Light fixtures
- Modems
- NON-PCB ballasts
- Printed circuit boards
- Printers
- Radios
- Routers
- Switch Gear
- Switches
- Toner cartridges
- Wire
* Before turning in an item, ensure that it’s not on a hand receipt.
DPW will not be checking property books before recycling the item. This is the sole responsibility of the individual / entity turning the item in. Contact DLA for assistance (978-615-6084).
Recycling Information
** All fluids excepting refrigerant must be drained from appliances/AC units before you turn them in.
Energy Management
Content coming soon!
Sustainable Procurement
**Click the links below to view the guides!**