Engineer.jpg U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Address: 50 MacArthur Ave, Devens, MA 01434
Phone:(978) 772-0148

The New England District is responsible for managing the USACE's civil works and military program responsibilities in a 66,000-square-mile region encompassing the six New England states east of the Lake Champlain drainage basin.

The region has:

  • 6,100 miles of coastline
  • 171 harbors with USACE improvements
  • 13 deep draft commercial waterways
  • 13 major river basins
  • thousands of miles of rivers and streams

The District employs about 500 professional civilian employees, with several military officers serving in key management positions. Seventy-five percent of the staff is stationed at the Concord, Mass., headquarters, while the others serve at Corps projets and area offices throughout the region.

The missions of the New England District are many and varied. They include:

  • Environmental restoration and stewardship
  • Flood risk management
  • Natural resource and recreation management
  • Streambank and shoreline protection
  • Navigation improvements and maintenance
  • Disaster assistance
  • Regulatory program
  • Engineering and construction management support to other agencies
  • Support the military

For further information on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in New England please visit their direct website: