To allow sustainable multipurpose use of natural resources on South Post via authorized public access in accordance with the Sikes Act (16 USC §670).
General Information
Devens RFTA opens areas of South Post for hunting to maintain wildlife populations that are compatible with existing habitat, minimize conflicts between wildlife and training activities, reduce public health and safety hazards, and provide a recreational opportunity to the community. If interested in participating, see below for information about the current season, registration instructions, and important program rules.
Information for the Current Season
Special Hunts:
In coordination with the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (MassWildlife), Devens RFTA hosts the Paraplegic Sportsmen’s Hunt in the fall and the Becoming an Outdoors Woman (BOW) hunt in the spring and fall. Hunting is closed to all others during these “special hunts.” To learn more or to register, visit https://www.mass.gov/topics/hunting
General Hunt (open to the public):
Devens RFTA allows hunting by the general public on specific dates during the spring (turkey) and fall (small game, turkey, and deer) seasons that are established by MassWildlife. Prospective hunters are assigned to available dates on a first-come-first-served basis in accordance with the tiered priority system.
To apply for the 2024 fall season, bring the enclosed Fall 2024 Devens RFTA Hunter Registration Application and the Privately Owned Weapons Registration FD Form 2759 to the DOD Police Station located at 47 Quebec Street, Devens, MA.
Program Rules
A full set of rules are spelled out in the Fall Hunting LOI 2024 and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).