AAFES_Redesigned_Logo_2011-vector_svg.pngAAFES is a joint military activity providing quality merchandise and services to active duty, guard and reserve members, military retirees and their families at competitively low prices. AAFES returns earnings to the Army and Air Force to improve troops’ quality of life and to provide a dividend to support MWR programs.

When military members deploy to remote locations around the world, AAFES is right there with them, offering products and services to bring Soldiers and Airmen a taste of home. AAFES also supports deployed troops with programs such as “Gifts from the Homefront” and “Help Our Troops Call Home.” These programs allow any American to show support for those fighting for freedom by sending gift certificates or prepaid phone cards to deployed troops.

AAFES is a multi-channel retailer, offering products to authorized customers via retail stores, catalog and online. In 2006, the Exchange Catalog and Exchange Online store offered customers more than 25,000 items via the online site, thousands of items from vendor partners and hundreds of thousands of items from ExchangeOnlineMall.com partners. AAFES supports an extremely mobile customer base. The internet provides the ability to extend the exchange benefit to customers worldwide, regardless of where they are located.

Class Six (Building 671) - (978) 772-7409
Hours of Operation
Sunday & Monday      
Wednesday &Thursday
Friday & Saturday      
10:00 – 18:00
10:00 – 16:00
10:00 – 18:00
Military Clothing Store (Building 671) - (978) 772-6838
Hours of Operation

Monday – Saturday
10:00 – 18:00