DHR Mission

To advance mission readiness and resilience of our military community through exemplary human resource Soldier, Civilian, and Family member services. Aligned with the principles of the Installation Management Command's Service Culture Campaign, we pledge to provide equitable, efficient, and effective management of Fort Detrick's Human Resources, Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP), The Army Continuing Education Services (ACES) Center, Administrative Services, garrison Civilian Personnel Division, and Military Personnel Division (MPD).


Our commitment extends beyond administrative excellence to cultivate a culture of service that prioritizes the well-being and development of Soldiers, Civilians, and Family members. By integrating the values of the Service Culture Campaign into our operations, we strive to foster a supportive environment that promotes career advancement, personal and professional growth, and overall mission success. Committed to Excellence, Anchored in Service—Empowering our community for a brighter future.


DHR has four divisions:

Administrative Services Division

Administrative Services Division

1520 Freedman Drive, Suite 231

Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702


Phone Numbers to Call:

Chief, Administrative Services Division (301) 619-9948

Records Management/FOIA/Privacy (301) 619-8095

Official Mail Distribution Center (301) 619-3321


To contact Freedom of Information, please email us at usarmy.detrick.usag.mbx.dhr-foia@army.mil






The Administrative Services Division supports the Garrison and Mission Partners with administrative records management and installation mail support services.




Administrative Records Management includes: Congressional Inquiries, Freedom of Information Act requests, the Privacy Act Program, publishing regulations, policies and forms management.


The Official Mail Distribution Center provides mail services that include receipt, sorting and distribution of official mail. The OMDC also securely processes official registered and certified mail, as well as delivers all military mail to the Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing facility.

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GoArmyLogo1.pngArmy Continuing Education System

Phone: (301) 619-2854

DSN: 343-2854

FAX: (301) 619-2884



1520 Freedman Drive, Suite 109

Fort Detrick, Maryland 21702-9226


ACES incorporates three major programs:

Army Continuing Education

Military Training

Civilian Training & Development


Learning Resource Center

Monday — Thursday: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Friday: 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.


Please note that the Army Learning Center located in Bldg. 1520, ACES has 3 computer stations available for educational and training purposes only. This service is available to all Fort Detrick personnel with a Federal ID. If you are having difficulty meeting your educational needs at your work station, please make use of this valuable asset.

Call (301) 619-2854, or E-mail, the ACES Ed Center today!


Civilian Education System (CES)

During the Army's transformation, civilians have been asked to perform tasks previously done by military personnel. To do a good job and perform well, they need the training and education formerly reserved for Soldiers.


In February 2003, the Army Chief of Staff's Army Training and Leader Development Panel identified civilian training as a high priority, and recommended implementing a centralized Army education system.


CES was the result of that recommendation and replaces existing programs. It is a progressive and sequential civilian-leader development program.


It provides enhanced leader development and education opportunities for Army civilians throughout their careers. As of right now, attending CES courses is not a mandatory requirement, but the proposal is being addressed by G-3.


We are in a changing time in the Army and we need to grow our leaders. Our civilians need to be better equipped and educated so they can be ready to meet the needs of the Army. It's a testament to our dedication to warfighters and their Families.


Functional Academic Skills Training (FAST)

Do you want to improve your academic skills? Do you want to raise your current GT score? If you answered yes to either question, FAST class is for you. FAST class is individualized, self-paced training to help soldiers attain academic competencies necessary for job proficiency and further training. You are supported by computer-based curricula, printed material, web links and an instructor. Soldiers who have a GT score below 110 are eligible. Units usually give priority to soldiers who have GT scores below 100. Your first step is to schedule the Test for Adult Basic Education (TABE).

To schedule a test call (301) 619-2856.


GOARMYED https://www.goarmyed.com/public/facility_pages/Fort_Detrick_Education_Center/default.asp 

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Military Personnel Division

Military Personnel Division (MPD)

Fort Detrick

Community Support Center

Bldg. 1520, Room 121, Freedman Drive

Telephone: (301) 619-7311


Monday-Wednesday and Friday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Thursday Noon-4:30 p.m.


Click here for ID Card Section information

Military Personnel Division- Bethesda


Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

9080 Beale Road,

Tranquility Hall, Bldg. 62,

Room 2011

Bethesda MD. 20814

(301) 400-1081/1082/1086/1096


Monday through Thursday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. & Friday 1-4 p.m.



MPD Services

The MPD provides military personnel support services to all Army units assigned to Fort Detrick. The division also provides identification cards and Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System updates for all military service members, active duty, Reserve component, retirees, and their family members.


The office also provides identification cards to Fort Detrick civilian employees and contractor personnel. Veterans Affairs benefits counseling is available to all military service members and their families one day of the month. Please call (301) 619-7311 for an appointment.



Incoming Soldiers reporting to units serviced by Fort Detrick MPD will report to their unit of assignment first. The assigned sponsor will escort the Soldier to MPD located in the Community Support Center, 1520 Freedman Drive, Room 121 to pick up Installation in-processing checklist. The Soldier will report with a copy of their PCS orders and leave form. Soldiers must be signed out from their losing unit and signed in from their gaining unit. Leave forms will have departure and return information completed. All Soldiers must be in duty uniform for in-processing.



Soldiers are eligible to pick up their Installation Out-Processing Checklist (DA form 137-2) ten business days prior to the start date of their leave. The Soldier will provide a copy of their PCS orders and approved leave form (DA form 31). Soldiers will final out one day prior to the start of their leave. All Soldiers will must be in duty uniform to out-process.



All separation requests will be submitted through the S1. Once all documents are received, orders will be processed and distributed. All separations will receive their installation clearing papers on their scheduled initial appointment date (10 business days prior to the leave start date).



Retirement requests are submitted through your S1. Please contact your S1 for checklists on Enlisted, Officer, and Medical Retirements. Once the retirement request is approved, orders will be processed, and the initial appointment is scheduled (10 business days prior to the leave start date) All Soldiers are required to be in uniform for out-processing.


DA Mandatory Pre-Retirement Briefing/Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP)

This is MANDATORY FOR ALL RETIRING ACTIVE DUTY SOLDIERS.  Spouses are encouraged to attend.

If you have any questions, please email MPD at:



Briefing dates for FY 24

Time: 8 am - noon

Place: 1520 Freedman Drive, Classroom 5A unless noted below

Dates: October 3, 2023    (Classroom 1)

           December 5, 2023    (Classroom 4)

           February 6, 2024 

           April 2, 2024 

           June 4, 2024 

           August 6, 2024 



Soldiers can request to participate in the quarterly Retirement Ceremony held at Fort Detrick.

USAG Fort Detrick conducts Quarterly Retirement Ceremonies honoring retiring Service
Members, and Civilian employees and their families. These ceremonies take place on
the second Thursday of the second month of each quarter in the auditorium, Building
1520 at 10 a.m. 
Any Military at Fort Detrick or in the local surrounding community, or Civilian employees
who wish to participate should contact the Directorate of Operations by
calling (301) 619‐2503. The deadline for participants to be included is two weeks prior to
the ceremony.



Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)

The Army Substance Abuse Program provides education & early intervention to help commanders, civilian supervisors, and the Fort Detrick and Forest Glen community reduce lifestyle risk factors to increase healthy outcomes. We are committed to understanding our supported units and their missions, anticipating what is needed to sustain mission readiness.


ASAP Mission: To strengthen readiness and support resilience of our most valuable resource – our Total Army Family


VISION: Integrate community resources that enhance readiness and resiliency


Purpose: Deter. Prevent. Assist.

ASAP Manager: 301-619-2120

Prevention Coordinator: 301-619-1751

Drug Testing Coordinator: 301-619-3409

Employee Assistance Program Administrator: 301-619-4657

Fax number 301-619-6359

1520 Freedman Drive, 2nd Floor, Room 217

USAG, Fort Detrick, MD 21702

Mon-Friday: 8:00 a.m.-4:30


To contact ASAP please email us at: usarmy.detrick.usag.mbx.dhr-asap


Prevention Education



Commanders Risk Reduction Toolkit (CRRT)



Employee Assistance Program


Employee Assistance Program Pamplet

Suicide Prevention



Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP)



Army Substance Abuse Program Services


  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

  • Suicide Prevention

  • Personal Readiness Training

  • Risk Reduction

  • ADAPT Training (Prime for Life)

  • Unit Prevention Leader Course

  • Urinalysis Testing (Military SMART Testing)

  • Civilian Random and Pre-employment Testing


Rehabilitation services previously provided by the ASAP Clinical Program have been renamed under MEDCOM as Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care (SUDCC).  The Behavioral Health Clinic and the SUDCC are located at 1546 Freedman Drive. For substance use related concerns, please call the Behavioral Health Clinic at (301) 619-0345 or 301-619-8105 during duty hours


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