Work orders for government buildings and barracks are submitted using the Army Maintenance Application (ArMA).
For maintenance emergencies affecting life, healthy, or safety, please call 270-798-1200.

ArMA is now available garrison-wide and can be accessed through the Digital Garrison App, or via a new online registration portal at ✪ using a Common Access Card. By using a CAC at an authenticated computer, and visiting the website, users can enter their phone number, building and unit (if applicable) and begin placing work orders. Contractors will need to ask their contracting officer representative to sponsor their accounts

Digital Garrison App is a free app available to anyone for download at the App Store for Apple devices and Google Play for Android. Once the app is downloaded, users will be prompted to create an account. By selecting Fort Campbell as the location of choice, users will have all of the installation’s information available instantly. Within the Digital Garrison App, click the Army Maintenance Application link and create an ArMA account. Information required to register includes a military email address, location/building of residence, unit and phone number. Users can specify their ArMA notification preferences as email, text message or both during registration, and can also report bugs or errors to the app developers and Fort Campbell Directorate of Public Works.

Work orders for on-post housing are submitted through Campbell Crossing.
Call the Campbell Crossing maintenance division at 931-431-3966 or visit Campbell Crossing Resident Services ✪ to place a work order for the housing communities.

✪ Denotes an external link