Crime and Criminal Intelligence Analyst Course
Course Description:
The Crime & Criminal Intelligence Analyst course (CCIAC) develops basic Police Intelligence and Investigative Analysts, who conduct Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis within the Department of Defense (DOD).
Grades of E-4 through O-5, to include WO1 through CW5 with the following Military Occupational Specialties may attend this training:
- USA CMF 31 and CMF 35 personnel.
- USMC 5811, 5821, 5803, 5805.
- USAF AFSC 3P051, 3P071, or 3P0913.
- Air National Guard (ANG) and Army National Guard (ARNG) assigned as a Criminal Analyst for the National Guard Bureau Counter Drug (NGB CD) mission.
DOD civilians in the grades of GS-7 through GS-14 with the following job series may attend this training:
- 0083 Police Series
- 0085 Security Guard Series
- 1805 Investigative Analysis
- 1810 General Investigations
- 1811 Criminal Investigations
- Police Intelligence Operation (PIO) and Strategy
- Critical Thinking and Crime Indicators
- Legal and Ethical Requirements for PIO
- Crime Pattern Analysis
- Law Enforcement and Investigative Resources
- File and Data Evaluation and Management
- Collection Plan Development
- Structured Data Maintenance and Management
- Analyze Collected Data
- Analyze Work Products
- Social Network Analysis
- Briefings and Reporting Intelligence Findings
Special Information:
CAC Cards: U.S. Military personnel must possess a CAC card with valid security certificates and functional PIN number. You will use your CAC card to access DOD computer systems during training.
Class Schedule
Class Number |
Report Date |
Start Date |
End Date |
Course Type |
Location |
703-22 |
8-May-21 |
9-May-21 |
20-May-21 |
5-22 |
12-Jun-22 |
13-Jun-22 |
24-Jun-22 |
Resident |
6-22 |
10-Jul-22 |
11-Jul-22 |
22-Jul-22 |
Resident |
701-22 |
14-Aug-22 |
15-Aug-22 |
26-Aug-22 |
702-22 |
18-Sep-22 |
19-Sep-22 |
30-Sep-22 |
Virtual |
NGB Only |
Dress Code:
- Duty Uniform for Military and Civilian Personnel
Packing Lists/Dress Code
- Memorandum from your Unit S2 (or organizational equivalent) verifying the student possesses a minimum of a Secret security clearance.
- Unit issued Government Travel Card.
While attending CCIAC students are assigned to B Company, 701st Military Police Battalion, Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473. For information concerning travel or information not covered on this page, you may contact the course manager at Email or at commercial telephone number (573) 563-1026.
Transportation Issues:
If you desire a rental vehicle, you must arrange approval for such through your current command. If you are authorized a rental vehicle ensure your orders state "RENTAL CAR IS AUTHORIZED", it is recommended the students command authorize a rental vehicle.
This course ends at 4pm on Friday and students should not schedule flights before 7pm from St. Louis since it is a 2 hour drive from FLW.
Billeting and Per Diem will be determined on the location of the course. Ft. Leonard Wood billeting can be reached Commercial: 573-596-0999 or DSN:581-0999. Coordinate Per Diem issues with your unit prior to course attendance.
Where to Report
Upon arrival to Fort Leonard Wood all Army (Soldiers) students will check in at Candlewood Suites (Bldg 2020, Nebraska Ave, Ft Leonard Wood, MO) and receive their room assignments. All other DOD personnel (to include Marine, Airmen, and Civilian) MUST request lodging through DTS. All Marine Corps personnel will be required to receive a reporting and detaching endorsement from the S-1, MarDet, FLW, for your DTS travel voucher.