LTC Dale L. Trakas CSM Robert R. Graber Commander Command Sergeant Major
The 701st MP Battalion transforms and enables transformation of volunteers into Soldiers, DA Civilians, and Leaders of character who provide commanders with MP core competencies required to execute policing, detention, and security mobility and support across the range of military operations.
The 701st Military Police Battalion, the Army’s Oldest Military Police Battalion was constituted to the regular Army on 16 December 1940 and activated 1 February 1941 at Fort Snelling, Minnesota. When the newly established Provost Marshal General’s School was established at Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia in June 1942, the 701st was assigned as the School’s command and control support unit. During World War II, the Battalion earned the Meritorious Unit Commendation for performing security and escort of critical supplies for the American Theater.
In 1946, the 701st deployed to Shanghai, China, performing security and law and order missions to include security for the Shanghai War Crimes Trials, for which the Battalion received its second Meritorious Unit Commendation (Pacific Theater). The Battalion then relocated to the ancient Chinese capital of Peking, where its elements functioned as rear guard for the withdrawal of the Joint United States Advisory Group from China. For a brief period, it performed duties in Japan and returned to the United States on 31 May 1949. The Battalion then served at the Presidio of San Francisco until 11 June 1952, when it was reassigned to Fort Knox, Kentucky. The 701st remained there until deactivation on 25 August 1956. With the advent of the Military Police Corps Regiment, the 701st Military Police Battalion was reorganized and activated at Fort McClellan, Alabama on 16 September 1986. It assumed the mission it held in 1942, of providing command, control and support to the staff, faculty and students of the United States Army Military Police School. Upon the relocation of the Military Police School, the Battalion inactivated at Fort McClellan, Alabama on 1 September 1999, and reactivated at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri 1 October 1999.
In July 2008, the Battalion underwent significant reorganization. A Company conducted a change of mission, transferring all USAMPS support personnel to HHC, 14th MP Brigade and becoming the Battalion’s first One Station Unit Training Company. B Company continued their responsibility of the Basic Officer Leader Course and USAMPS functional courses while assuming control of the Captain’s Career Course. C Company also conducted a change of mission becoming the 14th MP Brigade’s only 31E Advanced Individual Training Company. The 701st retains the Army component of Military Working Dog Training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, administered by D Company. On 17 December 2008, the 701st gained two additional OSUT units, E and F Companies. On 4 December 2008, the US Institute of Heraldry officially approved the Battalion’s request to make the White Tiger their distinctive designation, or mascot. In December 2009, F Company was deactivated and cased its colors.
Despite the changes in the world and the Army’s ever changing mission, the 701st continues to expand the scope of its mission, making it the most diverse Military Police Battalion throughout the Regiment. The Battalion continues to this day to…”Assist By Example.”
Parents, Family and Friends:
In order for mail to reach your loved one in training, please use the following mailing format:
Rank First Name MI. Last Name
__Company, 701st MP Bn, __ Plt
Bldg 7130-C Colorado Ave.
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo 65473
*Write the platoon number on the back of the envelope.
31K Military Working Dog Handler Mail Address
Rank First Name, Last Name
D Company, 701st MP Bn
1320 Truemper St, Ste 3
Bldg 9122, RM 3102
JBSA-Lackland, TX 78236-5422