Our religious support team invites you to check-out the religious support activities and events offered post-wide. We stand ready to perform and/or provide religious support to you and your family. To all our Soldiers, family members, DOD civilians, and military Retirees, thank you for your service to our Nation; may God richly bless you in your assignment here at Fort Riley.
- Religious Services Team
Worship Locations
Victory Chapel
2560 Trooper Drive
(785) 239-8088
Saint Mary’s Chapel
3 Barry Avenue
(785) 239-6597
Kapaun Chapel
7086 Normandy Drive
(785) 239-4818
650 Huebner Road
Irwin Army Community Hospital
(785) 239-7871
Historic Main Post Chapel
6 Barry Avenue
(785) 239-6597
Morris Hill Chapel
5315 Jackson Street
(785) 239-2799
Normandy Chapel
7865 Normandy Drive
(785) 239-3436
Outdoor Chapel
Off of 1st Infantry Division Road
across from Victory Hall
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Get Involved!
Protestant Women of the Chapel (PWOC)
For more information:
-email: rileypwoc@gmail.com
or riley@pwoc.org
-Facebook: “Fort Riley PWOC”
Catholic Women of the Chapel (CWOC)
For more information:
-email: fortrileycwoc@gmail.com
-Facebook “Fort Riley CWOC”
Thrive-Faith Based Youth Program
Grades 6th -12th
Meets Sundays 1700-1830
Victory Chapel