The Army Substance Abuse Program support Commanders, Soldiers, Civilian employees, Retirees and eligible Family members who may be experiencing issues related to substance abuse, family matters and workplace violence.

There are six distinct and separate programs within the umbrella organization of ASAP. The Clinical program, the Employee Assistance program, the Suicide Prevention program, the Substance Abuse program, the Drug Testing program and the Workplace Violence program.

The Employee Assistance Program provides free, confidential, professional short term counseling and educational services to all civilian personnel and family members.

The Suicide Prevention Program develops and provides training in an effort to recognize, intervene, and minimize the impact of suicide behavior on the Picatinny community.

The Substance Abuse Prevention & Education Program provides alcohol and other drug education and training for military and civilian personnel. Responsible for anti-drug and alcohol campaigns conducted on the installation.

The Drug Testing Program is an integral tool used to deter soldiers and civilian employees from abusing drugs. It is a tool for commanders to assess the security, fitness, good order and discipline of their commands and to serve as a basis to take appropriate action when a soldier or civilian employee has a positive test result.

For more informationplease visit,

Military Resources:
Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury
U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, General VA Health Content
Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center
Deployment Health Clinical Center
Veterans Affairs National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress
Military Health System
Force Health Protection and Readiness
The FOCUS Project
Sesame Workshop's Talk, Listen, Connect
National Military Family Association
Deployment Health and Family Readiness Library
Military & Family Life Consultants
National Resource Directory
Sesame Street Family Connections
Military OneSource
National Caregiver Support Line
TRICARE Assistance Program (TRIAP)

Civilian and Family Resources:

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Affairs’ Returning Service Members (OEF/OIF)
Veterans Affairs’ Mental Health Home
Veterans Affairs’ Vet Center Home
Veterans Affairs’ Veterans and Their Families
Veterans Affairs’ Women Veterans Health Care
Defense Centers of Excellence For Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury
U.S. Department of Defense
Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center
Deployment Health Clinical Center
Veterans Affairs' National Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress
Veterans Crisis Line
National Resource Directory
NCIRE--The Veterans Health Research Institute
Navy Family Readiness Group
Army Family Readiness Group
Marine Corps Community Services
Airman and Family Readiness

For more detailed information regarding local programs or services please contact us.