PAIO focuses on the Garrison delivering equitable services, monitoring performance results provided through the Installation Status Report (ISR), Performance Assessment Review (PAR), strategic planning, promoting continuous process improvement and management of voice of the customer feedback through the Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) program. PAIO is the integrator for Garrison strategic initiatives to steer the Garrison strategy in meeting current and future needs.
Army Stationing and Installation Plan (ASIP) program provides installation population data. Population data provides a consistent look at manpower and provides visibility for potential planning of current and future needs. (POC: 973-724-8906)
Garrison Strategic Plan gives direction to the entire Garrison team by providing guidance to components for planning their program implementation and aligning organizational outputs to desired outcomes. This includes our operating environment, vision, mission, strategic goals and supporting strategic objectives. These objectives enable performance, identify critical decisions for leaders, address mitigation and risk management, and ensure appropriate horizontal and vertical integration. (POC: 973-724-7444/8906)
Installation Priorities Board is the most important meeting the Garrison facilitates. The IPB is a senior leader, decision making briefing that sets the installation priorities for the upcoming year. The IPB includes the Commanding General and the Installation Director Sustainment as co‑chairs. Co‑chairing this meeting, shows their commitment to achieving the installation priorities. (POC: 973‑724‑8906)
Garrison Overview is an important tool used to brief Garrison services to newly hired personnel and distinguished visitors. The slide deck consists of general information, installation priorities, concerns and Garrison Directorate /component details explaining Who they Are, What they Do, any Major Forums and their Way Ahead. (POC: 973-724-7444)
Performance Assessment Review is conducted quarterly using ISR, manpower, and financial data. It is an enabler for the Garrison Commander to have discussions with Garrison Directors on the overall performance and execution of services. (POC: 973-724-1243)
Installation Status Report (ISR) is a major installation information system used to assess key elements of installation readiness, to include: facility readiness, installation service performance compared to Army standards and installation resource capacity and security at a specific point in time. The ISR Program facilitates development or improvement of metrics that can better measure business process improvement. The ISR has three components Installation Status Report Infrastructure, Installation Status Report Mission Capacity, and Installation Status Report Services. (POC: 973-724-1243)
Change Management and Organizational Improvement provides a systematic and codified methodology that facilitates business transformation (organizational change), cost management, and continuous process improvement initiatives (e.g., local suggestion programs, Plan, Do, Check, Act methodology, or Lean Six Sigma) throughout the installation. In addition, this program is intended to provide the commander with the capability to develop or strengthen the systems, processes, and tools that support the improvement efforts of the garrison. (POC : 973-724-8526)
Interactive Customer Evaluation (ICE) and Voice of the Customer is a web-based customer feedback system which allows our patrons to provide comments on experiences at our facilities. Customer feedback is analyzed and is used to improve customer satisfaction. Customers may submit feedback via the website or paper comment card. Customer feedback, trends and satisfaction levels are consolidated into a monthly voice of the customer report. This report is briefed to the Garrison Command Team and Senior Commander each month. (POC: 973-724-7444)
Customer Feedback – ICE – Click here to let us know how we are doing!