Appointments cannot be made over the phone. All appointments are made online using the link provided
Available appointments are indicated by the color "Green" on the calendar. Greyed or Blacked out dates indicate we are fully booked with appointments.
We ask that you kindly inform us or cancel your appointment ahead of time online if circumstances would prevent you from making an appointment. Customers will need to know their confirmation number to cancel/reschedule an appointment.
Please keep a copy of your appointment confirmation page.
Cards should be renewed anytime in the month before they expire, but Customers can view the calendar to schedule their appointment at any time prior to their CAC expiration date. Appointments fill up fast, be sure to keep an eye on the calendar as soon as you see your expiration date approaching. Appointments often fill up more than 6 weeks in advance.
Please make a separate appointment for each dependent that requires an identification card.
Note: Official documentation must be presented for any updates or changes (i.e. Promotion Orders, Active Duty Orders, Name Change Memorandum, Medicare Card or Official Notification Letter from Social Security Administration, etc.)
All walk-in customers are seen on a first come, first serve basis. Wait times for walk-ins can be over 2 hours depending upon the number of customers waiting for service.
Walk-in customers on standby may not be seen by close of business. To avoid the possible wait, schedule an appointment and you will be seen within minutes of your scheduled time. Walk-ins are one of the following:
- Employees who are currently working on base with a valid visitor's pass.
- Customers with no card/an expired card that are escorted on base by someone with a valid unexpired CAC or ID.
- Customers who have a current unexpired card that they just need to renew/unblock/fix.
- If you do not fall into one of these categories you MUST make an appointment. There are no exceptions. Please check other bases in the area for sooner appointment times if our calendar is full.
You will need to obtain a visitor's pass. To obtain one, please print your ID card appointment confirmation and bring along with your driver's license and vehicle registration, and proof of insurance to visitor center at BLDG 1136.
Building 1136 is located adjacent to the Access Control Point at the Main Gate. If you are renewing a current NON-EXPIRED ID card, you may proceed directly to the Access Control Point at the Main Gate
All sponsors and customers 18 years and older must have two (unexpired) forms of ID to get a new ID card made. One must be photo. Driver’s license, passport, birth cert, SSN Card.
Civilian, contractors and military personnel may renew their CAC Cards 30 days prior to their expiration dates. A renewal Card will not be issued if the expiration date is greater than 30 days. Please schedule an appointment for each individual.
Refer to "IDENTIFICATION" and "CONTRACTORS" for requirements and select what is applicable to you.
Retirees (Initial Retirement)
Retirement Orders or DD Form 214 (Copy 4)
Reserve/National Guard Retirees need Orders/Letter transferring to Retired List and authorizing retired pay
If Medicare eligible, must present Medicare Card
Must have two (2) valid, unexpired forms of identification
Bring 2 forms of ID (Driver's License, SS Card, Passport or any other ID's issued by local, state or federal government).
New employees do not require appointments. They should report to the CAC office with two IDs once they receive either their SF-50 (or its equivalent) OR a confirmation from TASS telling them to proceed to the nearest RAPIDS station. Please be mindful that it can take up to 72 hours for DMDC to generate the employees email address in the system. We cannot check if an employee’s CAC is in the system unless they are sitting in our office.
All data must be previously input through Contractor Verification System (CVS).
If your Military Sponsor is unable to accompany you to your visit, a valid "General" or "Special" Power of Attorney will allow you to conduct business on your sponsor's behalf. You may also provide a signed & verified DD Form 1172.
For Soldiers: E-4 and below a counseling statement is required and must be signed By an E-7 and above. Civilians, Contractors and ALL Military Personnel, if you haven’t already filed a police report, go to the CAC office FIRST. We will supply you with the Chip ID number needed to complete the report at the police station. The Picatinny Arsenal Police Department will give you a blank letter of counseling. Bring the signed Lost Card Memorandum with the police report number, the letter of counseling signed by one of your supervisors, and TWO acceptable forms of ID to receive a new card. Yes, this process is annoying. Do not lose your card.
Dependents: For 18 and over, must have at least one federal or state issued photo I.D. (NO student I.D. or medical insurance cards) plus a second form (SSN card, birth cert), sponsor must be present unless you have Special or General Power of Attorney
When adding a spouse to DEERS, the sponsor needs to bring the following documents for their spouse: Marriage Certificate, birth certificate, social security card, & a photo I.D. All documents must be originals or certified copies.
All marriages must be added to the DEERS system with both the sponsor and the new spouse present. If this is not possible, sponsor will need to give power of attorney to spouse and spouse will be able to enroll them into the DEERS database.
Sponsor will need to make sure that they have the necessary original documents to enroll their spouse. If your spouse is a foreign national original marriage certificate, valid passport, birth certificate needs to be certified translated into English.
For dependent ID cards, the sponsor must be present to sign the DD Form 1172. If not available, the dependent must have a previously signed, notarized/verified 1172 (within 90 days of signature) signed by their sponsor or a POA. (See ID requirements above)
Adding children to DEERS: When adding a child to DEERS, the sponsor must have the following documents for the child: Birth certificate & social security card. If a stepchild is being added, the marriage certificate is also needed.
All full-time College students must bring a letter from their school registrar's office stating that they are enrolled full time and the anticipated date of graduation, in an accredited college in pursuit of an Associate Degree or higher to have dependent benefits extended to age 23.
If your dependent is over the age of 23 and is still attending school full-time please contact Tricare in order to enroll them in to the Young Adult Program prior to making an appointment.
NOTE: If student falls below full-time status, the ID card must be turned in to a local ID card facility. Any medical costs incurred will be the responsibility of the Sponsor.
Female Sponsors: Birth Certificate and social security card.
Male sponsors: Court order establishing paternity or a State VAP (Voluntary Acknowledgement of Paternity) Form, Birth Certificate, SSN Card.
FS 240 (Consular Report of Birth Abroad) or DS Form 1350 (Certification of Report of Birth)
Social Security Card
NOTE: Dependency for parents and incapacitated children 21 and over, please call (973) 724-4315.
You will need to provide a DFAS letter of approval, Service Members Birth Certificate & a valid Photo ID. A photo ID of the parent will need to be provided as well as the SSN.
Secondary Dependent Parent in Law you will need to provide a DFAS letter of approval, Service Members SPOUSES Birth Certificate, Social Security Card & a valid Photo ID.
Please note that all documents must be translated into English and certified.
You will need to provide a DFAS letter of approval, court document placing the child in the members household, birth certificate and social security card. Please note that all documents must be translated into English and certified.
Bring in two forms of ID-current, issued by state, federal or local government; completed DD Form 2365 properly filled out or they may be rejected.
Bring 2 forms of ID (Driver's License, SS Card, Passport or any other ID's issued by local, state or federal government).
Bring in two forms of ID - current, issued by state, federal or local government; SOFA agreement; SPOT LOA; DD Form 1172-2 requesting the overseas card. Forms must be properly filled out or they may be rejected.
To add yourself: Bring your 100% VA Award Letter, DD 214, original or certified birth certificate, social security card, and a photo ID
To add your spouse: Bring marriage certificate, original or certified birth certificate, social security card, and a photo ID.