Emergency Management | (973) 724-2933
The Installation Emergency Management Office serves as the single integrated Emergency Management (EM) program for the planning, execution and management of response efforts to mitigate the effects of an all-hazard incident, to include but not limited to, natural, manmade, and technological disasters, chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and high-yield explosive (CBRNE) incidents and accidents on or affecting Picatinny Arsenal's facilities and/or activities.
Anti-Terrorism | (973) 724-4716
The Anti-Terrorism Office executes a comprehensive Anti-Terrorism program that deters, defeats or mitigates an all hazards Force Protection mission that provides an appropriate level of safety and security for the entire Installation.
Operations Office | (973) 724-4939
The Operations Office is responsible for all current Garrison operations, readiness reporting, orders, taskings, ceremonies and events, inspections and training.
Security Division | (973) 724-4055
The Security Section is responsible for the Garrison's Operations Security (OPSEC), Information Security (INFOSEC), Personnel Security (PERSEC), Industrial Security (INDUSEC), and Security Education Training and Awareness (SETA) Programs. Initial (newcomer's) Security and OPSEC briefings are conducted during in-processing into the garrison. Fingerprinting for garrison personnel is by appointment, which can be secured by calling the office.