MISSION STATEMENT: G Company, 229th Military Intelligence Battalion conducts operations in order to enable the development of proficient, culturally competent, and qualified Soldier-linguists in the Korean language during their tour of duty at DLIFLC.
Upon arrival, Golf Company Soldiers will report to Building 629A, in-process with the Orderly Room (O-Room), and be assigned to a Platoon. Careerist/IET Soldiers without dependents will be assigned living quarters in buildings 622, 630, 645, 646, 829, or 831. Careerist/IET Soldiers with dependents should contact the Parks at Monterey Bay prior to their arrival to fill out the housing application. In some cases, Soldiers may be on a waitlist for privatized housing for 4-8 weeks. If possible, Soldiers should wait to move their families until housing is secured. Drill Sergeants will counsel all new Soldiers and verify all Unit and Installation in-processing requirements have been fulfilled prior to their class start date. Concurrently, Drill Sergeants will familiarize the Soldiers with the Company areas which will culminate in a Company level in-brief from the Command Team to discuss standards, expectations, and answer any questions. Golf Company conducts physical readiness training from 0500-0600 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with additional remedial sessions on Tuesday and Thursday. Golf Company holds company level formations every other Thursday at 1600 between buildings 629A and 629B during which time awards/promotion ceremonies will be conducted and notes will be disseminated. The 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of each month are utilized for Company Height/Weight and Company Army Combat Fitness Tests. It is strongly encouraged that you arrive in good physical condition able to pass an ACFT and within height and weight standards. You will be assigned a student sponsor upon arrival that can help you successfully navigate DLIFLC.
CLASSLOAD / HOMEWORK: Korean is a very demanding and academically rigorous course. It will be one of the toughest and most rewarding experiences of your life. Courses in the Korean language will follow a curriculum schedule which will be given to Soldiers once they begin class. All incoming Soldiers are recommended to re-familiarize themselves with English grammar prior to class starting in order to more easily understand how it transitions into the Korean language. The amount of material covered during each day is comparable to a week’s worth of work at a standard college. Homework varies by teaching team, proximity to a test, and point in the course but typically ranges from 1-3 hours a night. The most academically successful students study 7-10 hours a week on their own on top of completing their nightly homework.
HOURS OF CLASS: Core school hours for Korean are from 0755-1045 and 1200-1450. Lunch is from 1045 – 1200 and may be partly used to complete administrative requirements with their Drill Sergeants as needed, while also allowing Soldiers the opportunity to eat. Students that need additional academic assistance may be given an additional hour of in-class time before or after core school hours. “Zero” hour takes place from 0645-0745 and “Seventh” hour takes places from 1500-1545.
TUTORING: Tutoring during non-duty hours is available and provided by fellow students that are doing well in the curriculum. The tutoring program is managed by the Company who can assist in matching Soldiers to conduct additional learning. Additionally, Study Hall is on Tuesday and Thursday from 1830-2030 for students that require additional assistance.
Location of School House: Asian Basic II (Korean) is located in Munakata Hall (Bldg. 610)