
MISSION STATEMENT: D Company, 229th Military Intelligence Battalion conducts operations in order to enable the development of proficient and culturally competent Warrior-linguists in Chinese during their tour of duty at DLIFLC.


Upon arrival at D Co., Solider will in-process with the orderly room (O-Room) and be assigned to a platoon. Drill Sergeants will give all new arrivals an initial counseling and verify all unit in-processing requirements have been fulfilled. New Soldiers will also receive a company level in-brief from the command team to discuss standards and expectations, and to answer questions.


· CLASSLOAD / HOMEWORK: Courses in the Asian schoolhouse will follow a curriculum schedule which will be given to Soldiers once they begin class. Tagalog is a 48 week course curriculum. Chinese-Mandarin is a 64 week course curriculum. Homework varies by teaching team, proximity to a test, and point in the course but typically ranges from 1-3 hours a night. The most academically successful students study 7-10 hours a week on their own on top of completing their nightly homework.

·  TUTORING: The Asian 1 schoolhouse with the help of Delta Company created a tutoring program to assist Soldiers, Airmen, Marines, and Sailors boost their grades and knowledge of the Chinese-Mandarin language. Tutoring is overseen by our Military Language Instructors with the assistance of Delta company Soldiers. The tutors are soldier volunteers (mainly Soldiers or other service members who are doing exceptionally well in the course). The program runs Monday through Friday from 1500-1800. Soldiers who are new to the course are encouraged to attend study hall to gain a better understanding of how DLIFLC and UAA operate. Soldiers who have a GPA of 3.3 to 3.0 are encouraged to attend in order to maintain or raise their GPA. Soldiers who have a GPA of 2.9 or lower or are facing adverse academic action are mandated to attend tutoring until their GPA is above a 3.0 or they are no longer facing adverse academic action.

·  DAILY SCHEDULE: Core school hours for all Asian schools are from 0755 to 1045 and 1200 – 1445. Lunch is from 1045 – 1200 and may be used to complete administrative requirements as needed, while also allowing Soldiers the opportunity to eat. Students that need additional academic assistance may be given an additional hour of in-class time, known as “Special Assistance” or “7th hour”. This takes place from 1455 – 1545. PT is from 1615-1715 except for the last duty day of the week.

 ​​​​"Dig Deep"