Units/Tenants (In Alphabetical Order)

The 229th Military Intelligence Battalion (DLIFLC) facilitates the production of qualified warrior linguists and sustains Soldiers and their Families to support the operational force.

The mission of the 517th Training Group is to train Airmen as linguists, develop airmen skills, and instill Air Force Values. Airmen are not only taught a language but also the values and military skills necessary to excel as Airmen and linguists.
The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC) provides culturally based foreign language education, training, evaluation, and sustainment for DoD personnel in order to ensure the success of the Defense Language Program and enhance the security of the nation.
IWTC Monterey is one of four commands for the Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT), a learning center for Naval Education and Training Command. With a specialized focus on language training, our students attend the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center at the Army’s Presidio of Monterey.
Provides command, control, and administrative functions as are necessary for the discipline, morale, welfare, and academic success of personnel assigned to the Marine Corps Detachment, Presidio of Monterey. Coordinate and facilitate language training for Marines attending the Defense Language Institute in order to provide linguistically-proficient Marines to the operating forces and supporting establishment.
The Mission and Installation Contracting Command provides Army commands, installations and activities with responsive contracting solutions and oversight. On order, provides trained and deployable contracting support brigades to the operating force.