
MISSION STATEMENT: A Company, 229th Military Intelligence Battalion conducts operations in order to enable the development of proficient, culturally competent, and qualified Soldier-linguists in French, Spanish, Hebrew, Indonesian, Pashto, Tagalog, Japanese, and Urdu during their tour of duty at DLIFLC.


Upon arrival at A Co, Soldiers will in-process with their respective Drill Sergeant and be assigned to a platoon. Drill sergeants will give all new arrivals an initial counseling and verify all unit in-processing requirements have been fulfilled. New Soldiers should expect to participate in physical fitness training to assist with passing the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT). New Soldiers will also receive a company level in-brief from the command team to discuss standards and expectations, and to answer questions. Company level formations are held at 0700 every Friday. A Co conducts company or platoon-level PRT from 1615-1715 Monday - Thursday.  Remedial PRT is conducted 0500-0600 Monday - Thursday.  The 3rd and 4th Wednesday of each month are utilized for ACFT preparation and ACFTs are conducted quarterly.  In order to fully support the Soldier aspect of Soldier-linguist, A Co conducts training focused on Warrior Tasks & Battle Drills on a quarterly basis and other training as required.


· CLASSLOAD / HOMEWORK: Courses in each target language will follow a curriculum schedule which will be given to Soldiers once they begin class. The amount of material covered during each day is comparable to a week’s worth of work at a standard college. Homework varies by teaching team, proximity to a test, and point in the course but typically ranges from 1-3 hours a night. The most academically successful students study 7-10 hours a week on their own on top of completing their nightly homework.

· TUTORING: Tutoring within A Co is managed by the Cadre but is conducted by the Soldiers. Soldiers who have displayed superior academic performance are encouraged to volunteer to tutor their peers and incentives are offered to those who log tutoring hours. Students not in good academic standing (below 3.0 GPA, on Special Assistance (SA), on probation, or who have failed their last graded exam) and all new students until their first graded exam are required to participate in the A Co tutoring program.

· HOURS OF CLASS: Core school hours for all language schools are from 0755-1145 and 1300-1450. Lunch is from 1050-1150 or 1150-1250 (class-dependent) and may be used to complete administrative requirements as needed, while also allowing Soldiers the opportunity to eat. Students that need additional academic assistance may be given an additional hour of in-class time, known as “Special Assistance” or “7th hour”. This takes place from 1500-1545.  Soldiers in their first 8 weeks of class are required to attend “7th Hour” and those later recommended for “Zero Hour” by their respective language departments are required to attend “Zero Hour” from 0700-0750. 

 ​"Stand Out"