IMCOM Civilian Career Planning & Development:

This career resource site provides useful career planning and development information, featuring easy-to-use online tools and resources. These resources are meant to help you focus your career direction, identify professional goals, and implement an action plan to manage and take charge of your career.

Ready to get started? Click HERE! (Make sure to select your email cert!)

Civilian Education System (CES courses): The CES program is the Army’s leadership development program for all Army civilians, including NAF. It provides formal leadership education for Army Civilians at key positions throughout their careers. Click HERE to sign up for your CES courses. There are five levels within CES:

-Foundations Course (all Army Civilians)
-Basic Course (GS 1-9/NF 1-3)
-Intermediate Course (GS 10-12/NF 4)
-Advanced Course (GS 13-15/NF 5)
-Continuing Education for Senior Leaders 

Army Career Tracker: ACT is a leadership development tool that integrates training and education into one personalized, easy-to-use website. Users can search multiple Army education and training resources, monitor their career development and receive personalized advice from their supervisor and Army leadership. Click HERE to access ACT.

Employees' professional development is an ongoing process. Click HERE to learn how to create your Individual Development Plan (IDP).

Career Programs: Professional development models are created for each Career Program (CP). Click HERE for more information on your specialized CP and look for COMMUNITIES on left-side menu of options.

Army eLearning Program: With Army eLearning you have access to over 5,000 web-based courses in Information Technology, Business Leadership and Personal Development. Click HERE to access Army e-Learning.
Skillsoft - US Army Login (

Army Benefits Center-Civilian: The ABC-C provides benefit support to Army-serviced appropriated fund employees for health benefits, life insurance, thrift savings plan services, retirement, survivor benefits and injury compensation. Click HERE to access ABC-C. ABC   

DoD Performance Management and Appraisal Program (DPMAP): DPMAP is a three-tiered performance management program with the rating levels of "Level 5 -- Outstanding", "Level 3 - Fully Successful" and "Level 1 --Unacceptable". Performance ratings are from 1 April – 31 March. To access the DPMAP portal, click HERE!