DES is made up of Office of the Provost Marshal and the Fort Myer Fire Department. The purpose of Emergency Services is to provide law enforcement, security and ceremonial support to JBM-HH and the U.S. Army Military District of Washington.
The Directorate of Human Resources provides the Joint Base Myers-Henderson Hall community with essential human resources support services to enhance the quality of life for those who work, live, and raise families at JBMHH and the surrounding communities in support of Service Member For Life (SFL). The Administrative Services Division, part of Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall Human Resources Directorate on the Fort Myer portion of JBM-HH, is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. ASD comprises the following programs and services.
Coordinate current operations and taskings, personnel security, training and ammunitions management. Maintain and update contingency and operation plans. Establish the Emergency Operations Center when required. Coordinate JBM-HH participation in ceremonies and special events. Manages the joint base AT/FP & Security Programs for the Community. Maintain Joint Base Emergency Management Action Plan (JBEMAP).
The Directorate of Public Works at Joint Base Myers-Henderson Hall is a Department of Defense leader in providing exceptional infrastructure, engineering resources, housing and facility management support and services incorporating sustainable development. It's DPW’s mission to ensure the long-term viability of JBMHH's ability to support the military commanders and joint base community, advancing environmental stewardship, community relations and quality of life.
To provide the best logistical support to those who serve, represent and lead our Nation.
The Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office is the Joint Base Commander's staff element and focal point for strategy, management, stationing and transformation planning for the installation. The PAIO provides oversight of assigned programs; conducts analytical reviews; monitors Army baseline standards; captures and enables implementation of best business practices; identifies, tracks, and orchestrates reporting of performance measures; and integrates and optimizes use of technology. It supports mission accomplishment with strategic planning capabilities, analytical and systems thinking, assessment, and continuous process improvement.
The Public Affairs Office supports JBM-HH by communicating on behalf of the installation and its leadership - providing clear, accurate, timely information to internal & external audiences. We employ a variety of communication strategies - including internal news and information products, media engagement, and public outreach.
The top priority of the the installation safety office is to safeguard and protect service members, their families, civilian employees and Army and Air Force property, as well as to create the safest workplace and living environment possible.
Family Housing at JBM-HH consists of 88 historic dwelling units on the Myer and McNair Campuses. Family housing is very limited, and although all officer quarters are designated for key and essential positions, there are limited quantities of enlisted quarters available on a first-come, first-served basis. Housing Division staff is committed to making your relocation to the National Capital Region as pleasant as possible by assisting you in obtaining adequate housing and providing assistance in renting or purchasing a home.
The staff of the Religious Support Office and the religious support teams of the U.S. Marine Corps Service and Support Battalion and the 3d U.S. Infantry Regiment provide a wide range of services on the joint base. The Chapel programs include weekend worship, Sunday school, adult religious education, and pastoral care.
Complaints and requests for help should be made to the Military District of Washington's inspector general. This office is in Building 31 on the Fort McNair, D.C., portion of JBM-HH. Hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Call 202-685-3322/2926 for more information.
The DPW Environmental Management Division (EMD) promotes environmental stewardship within the JBM-HH community by ensuring that sustainable methods and business practices are considered in daily decision-making. EMD's overall objective is to manage, reduce and eliminate environmental risks to the installation and to the environment.
Important information about the Visitor Control Center (VCC), proper identification needed and operating hours of the gates.
JBM‐HH operates a small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System for the installation, regulated by a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit administered by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.
The mission of the TAP is to deliver a world-class transition program for America's Army that empowers members to make informed career decisions that enhances lives, communities and our nation. This program enables Soldiers to capitalize on their Army experience and skills.