The Transition Services Center (TSC) supports all Soldiers and Families separating from Active Duty Service; this includes Soldiers who are separating for Retirement, End of Term Service (ETS), Medical Retirement/Discharge and Administrative Separations. The TSC also generates and issues separation orders, DD Form 214’s (Certificate of Discharge from Active Duty), Honorable discharge certificates, Retirement Flag and Pin, Spouse Appreciation Certificates, and Presidential Certificate of Appreciation. Please contact the Camp Zama Transition Services Center at DSN: (315) 263-3513, from off-post phone or cellular phone: 046-407-3513/5076/3940 or from the U.S. at 011-81-46-407-3513/5076/3940. Hours of operation are: Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Email: The Retirement Services Office is located on Camp Zama Building 102, Room M109.
The Army Retirement Services Office (RSO) develops Army policy and oversees Army programs worldwide that prepare Soldiers and their families for retirement, assist survivors of Soldiers who die on active duty, and serve retired Soldiers, surviving spouses, and their families until death in order to comply with federal laws, encourage retired Soldiers to be Soldiers For Life, and improve recruiting and retention. In accordance with AR 600-8-7, Army Retirement Services develops Army policy and procedures for the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) program; publishes Echoes, the newsletter for retired Soldiers and surviving spouses and their families; develops policy for the operation of the Army Retirement Services Program; and administers the Army Chief of Staff's (CSA) Retiree Council.
Soldiers may submit their retirement packet 9-12 months from their requested retirement date (current Army ETP allows retirement request submission 24 prior to retirement date; ETP expires 31 MAR 24). Date of retirement for those who have 20+ years of Active Duty service will always be on the 1st of the month. OCONUS Soldiers may not request a retirement date prior to their DEROS date. Please contact the Camp Zama Retirement Services Office at DSN: (315) 263-3940, from off-post phone or cellular phone: 046-407-3940 or from the U.S. at 011-81-46-407-3940. Hours of operation are: Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Email: The Retirement Services Office is located on Camp Zama Building 102, Room M109.
Pre-Retirement Services
- All retiring Soldiers must receive Army Mandatory Retirement Planning and Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) group briefings. Family members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
- Counsel Soldiers and Family members concerning their retirement rights, benefits, and privileges.
- Conduct one-on-one SBP counseling for all retiring Soldiers and their Family members.
- Conduct one-on-one Retirement Planning briefings if needed.
- Assist retiring Soldiers and their Family members with completion of the DD Form 2656 (Data for Payment of Retired Personnel), generally known as the SBP Form.
- Provide other services and information related to pre-retirement services, such as, retirement application processing, retirement orders and DD Form 214 processing, and final-out processing procedures.
Post-Retirement Services
- Assist retired Soldiers and Family members in obtaining: copies of lost documents (i.e., DD Form 214, retirement orders, and medical records); re-issuance of military awards; and issuance of military ID cards.
- Provide retired Soldiers and their Families with information on other benefits/entitlements including Veterans Affairs (VA), TRICARE, Social Security/Medicare benefits and others.
- Counsel and assist survivors of retired Soldiers, and Soldiers who die on active duty regarding their SBP options and entitlements, and the proper processing of their SBP elections. This includes counseling on Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) and its relationship to SBP.
- Publish annual Retiree newsletter.
- Conduct annual Retiree Appreciation Day (RAD).
- Assist and advise retired Soldiers in understanding and applying for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC).
- Provide information to retired Soldiers on Concurrent Retirement and Disability Payments (CRDP).