The primary goal of the equal employment opportunity (EEO) program is to manage workforce diversity and to maintain a discrimination-free workplace. This is high on the list of critical functions performed by federal managers and supervisors. Equal Employment is the law of the land. It is the right of all people to be protected from discrimination in employment regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin and age, mental or physical disability, or sexual orientation.
The EEO Office ensures equal employment opportunity for civilians under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Maintaining a Discrimination-Free Workplace

Requires supervisors and managers to perform a variety of tasks and functions. Included among them are:

  • Clearly communicating a belief in and adherence to the principles of equal opportunity for all employees.
  • Taking prompt action to prevent or halt discrimination or harassment based on race, sex, age, national origin, disability or sexual preference.
  • Making an overt effort to recruit a diverse workforce; that is, one which includes employees drawn from both sexes, as well as different racial, ethnic and age groups.
  • Remaining aware of EEO responsibilities in the course of assigning and rating work, developing employees and taking personnel action.
  • Working closely with EEO and HR officials to resolve disputes promptly.

Managing Diversity

Managing diversity refers to an inter-related set of responsibilities and functions. Included among them are:

  • Actively seeking to develop a diverse workforce; that is, one which includes a range of employees representing a variety of ethnic, racial and age groups.
  • Recognizing and valuing the differences that a diverse array of people bring to the accomplishment of organizational tasks.
  • Promoting acceptance, cooperation and positive attitudes toward all members of the work-group among employees.

The Equal Employment Opportunity laws and regulations are based on principles set forth in the Constitution and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Individuals are entitled to an equal chance to enjoy benefits of democracy and the protection of its laws. It is the duty of all personnel to support the EEO program and strive to eliminate any discriminatory policies and practices in employment. Everyone has the inherent right to fair treatment, equal employment opportunities, and a workplace free of harassment (both sexual and non-sexual) and discrimination. Civilian personnel employed in U.S. Army Japan and U.S. Army Garrison-Japan organizations, assigned or attached to supporting units, have the right to file a discrimination complaint under the administrative procedures.


Complaints may be filed with the U.S. Army Garrison Japan EEO Office or Department of Army:

Located in Bldg. 102, Room A-109

To contact the EEO Officer or  Complaints Manager, please see teh numbers below.

Phone number:

DSN: 315-263-3792
Within Japan: 046-407-3792
From the U.S.: 011-81-46-407-3792

Fax number:

DSN: 315-263-4145
Within Japan: 046-407-4145
From the U.S.: 011-81-46-407-4145

Mailing address:

EEO Manager
U.S. Army Garrison, Japan
Unit 45006, ATTN: IMJN-EE
APO AP 96343-5006

Army address:

Department of the Army
Director, EEO Compliance and Complaints Review
5825 21st Street, Building 214, Room 129
Fort Belvoir VA 22060-5921



Any employee, former employee or applicant for employment who feels he/she has been discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age (40+), genetics, or disability (physical/mental), and reprisal (for prior EEO activity) may file a discrimination complaint. Personnel are advised that complaints of discrimination should be filed within 45 calendar days of the date of the alleged discriminatory action or event; or, within 45 calendar days of becoming aware of the alleged action or event. Leaders and managers are advised that alleged complaints of sexual harassment must be acted upon immediately regardless of the source or desire of the victim. Sexual harassment complaints against a uniformed service member or Department of Defense civilian may also be addressed under Section 1561 of Title 10, U.S. Code. Employees claiming discrimination based on sexual orientation may seek redress from the Merit Systems Protection Board, Office of Special Counsel or Administrative Grievance Procedure. Individuals may contact the USAG-J EEO Office for more information.


Individual and Class Action complaints must first be presented to an EEO official within 45 calendar days as previously stated. The person filing an individual complaint may choose between participation in the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) process or traditional counseling to complete the informal, or pre-complaint stage of complaint processing. If both management and employee agree to ADR, arrangements will be made by the EEO Office to assign a certified mediator to mediate the dispute. If traditional counseling is elected, an EEO counselor will be assigned to conduct a fact-finding inquiry while making every attempt to resolve the complaint at the lowest level possible in the complainant's supervisory chain.

View the Implementing Procedures for Anti-Harassment Policy.

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