Domestic Violence Hotline (24/7): 080-5968-3188
Child abuse: 263-4610 or 046-407-4610
Sexual assault hotline (24/7): 090-9395-8909 or #882
Suicide prevention (24/7): 988 (from DSN), or 046-407-8255 (from a Japanese cellphone)

Emergency Contact at U.S. Airport

Depending on where you are, you should contact either the USO or the American Red Cross. If you are in the airport in the U.S., call the airport operator and ask if there is a USO available. If not, go to a public telephone and call the local American Red Cross.

Emergency Contact at Airport in Japan

If an emergency occurs after you arrive at the airport in Japan, contact the representative at the Northwest Airline counter. The counter is located on the first floor to the left of the doors you will exit from when you clear Customs. If no one is there, follow the directions on the top of the counter.

Emergency Contact at Camp Zama

If an emergency occurs after you arrive at Camp Zama, please contact the Army Emergency Relief representative at 011-81-46-407-4357 or DSN (315) 263-4357 or the American Red Cross at 011-81-46-407-3166 or DSN (315) 263-3166. If you arrive after duty hours please contact the American Red Cross at (888) 272-7337 or the Camp Zama Staff Duty NCO at 011-81-46-407-3123 or DSN (315) 263-3123.

American Red Cross

During emergencies, the American Red Cross can assist with Emergency Communication Messages and financial assistance. The phone number for the Camp Zama American Red Cross is 011-81-46-407-3166 or DSN (315) 263-3166. The American Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces can be reached 24/7/365 by dialing (877) 272-7337. Please note, this number is toll free only when calling from a state-side line. Additional information on its programs and services can be found by visiting Please be sure to complete an American Red Cross contact card and send it to your family so they will know how to reach you in case of an emergency back home.

Army Emergency Relief (AER)Army Emergency Relief is a private nonprofit organization incorporated in 1942. AER's mission is to provide emergency financial assistance to Soldiers and their Families. AER can help with emergency financial needs for:

  • Food, rent or utilities
  • Emergency transportation and vehicle repair
  • Funeral expenses
  • Medical/dental expenses
  • College scholarships to children, spouses and surviving spouses
  • Grants for wounded Soldiers
  • Personal Financial Management Training for Soldiers in AIT
  • Essential furniture items such as bedding
  • Rental vehicles in emergency situations
  • Replacement vehicles when cost of repairing POV is greater than value of vehicle

Assistance can be provided as an interest free loan, a grant or part loan and part grant. If the Soldier is away, a spouse can get help but must have a Power of Attorney, Military ID card and substantiating documents.

The Command Referral Program allows the Company Commander or First Sergeant to approve loans for up to $2,000. Assistance is provided through your chain of command and the installation AER section.

AER assistance is available to Soldiers and their Families at more than 1,000 locations around the world:

  • Local AER offices
  • Any American Red Cross Chapter (after duty hours only please call 877-272-7337)
  • Air Force Aid Society
  • Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society
  • Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Office

Mental Health Emergency Contact

For emergency mental health services during non-duty hours Please contact the following numbers:

  • Dial 911 from a DSN line or 046-407-2911 from a cell phone
  • Dial 119 when off post (this connects you to the Japanese Police)
  • An on-call chaplain can be reached at 090-8050-8932
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (based in U.S.) 263-8255 from a DSN line or 046-407-8255 from a cellphone or (800) 273-8255

Emergency Mass Notification

Upon arrival to USAG Japan, you will be enrolled into the AtHOC mass notification system by your unit. The AtHOC system is part of an ecosystem of emergency notification capabilities and enrollment is a requirement for all service members and DA civilians (appropriated funds or non-appropriated funds). Most installations use the AtHOC system, so it is a good idea to make sure you are disenrolled from your losing installation once you depart.

Emergency Evacuation Program (EEP)

Within 30 days of arrival to Japan all personnel (except single/geographical bachelor service members/emergency-essential civilian employees) are required to have a complete EEP packet in case of an emergency evacuation. Each unit/organization has an EEP warden who is training and resourced to help you complete your packet.

Emergency Readiness:
DSN 263-4660
Commercial: 046-407-4560

• Director, DES: (315) 263-5786
• Deputy Director, DES: (315) 263-3610
• Chief of Police: (315) 263-5640
• Provost Sergeant: (315) 263-3743
• Traffic Management Section: (315) 263-5263
• Military Police Investigators: (315) 263-3787
• Police Liaison: (315) 263-3522
• Fire Chief: (315) 263-3335
• Deputy Fire Chief: (315) 263-3344
• Fire Inspectors: (315) 263-3507
• Chief of Physical Security: (315) 263-4044
• Physical Security Guard NCOIC: (315) 263-5545
• Security Guard Chief, Honshu: (315) 263-3437
• Senior PS Inspector: (315) 263-3260
• Chief of Security, Kure: (315) 256-2510
• Vehicle Registration: (315) 263-3732
• Installation Pass Office: (315) 263-4697
• SHA Pass Office: (315) 263-6065

Religious Support:
On-Call Duty Chaplain
Should you need to speak with the on-call duty chaplain, please contact the number below.

Within Japan: 090-8238-8845 (for emergency only)
Religious Support Office Staff
USAG-J Chaplain
DSN: (315) 263-3750
Within Japan: 046-0407-3750
Deputy USAG-J Chaplain
DSN: (315) 263-8064
Within Japan: 046-407-8064
Zama Chapel (Bldg 500)
DSN: (315) 263-4898
Within Japan: 046-407-4898
Fax DSN: (315) 263-3343
Fax within Japan: 046-407-3343

Additional Faith Groups:
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS)
DSN: (315) 263-4898
Within Japan: 046-407-4898
Camp Zama or SHA  DSN: (315) 263-4613  DSN: (315) 263-4613
Sagami Depot  DSN: (315) 268-4931  DSN: (315) 268-4870
Tokyo  DSN: (315) 229-3168 DSN: (315) 269-6598
Kure/Hiro/Kawakami/Akizuki   DSN: (315) 256-2527 WIthin Japan: 090-3579-6162/0823-51-4532
Okinawa  DSN: (315) 644-4255 DSN: (315) 644-5427
Yokohama DSN: (315) 269-6245  DSN: (315) 269-6598
Environmental DSN: (315) 263-3131
Recycling DSN: (315) 263-4035
Energy Conservation DSN: (315) 263-3544
Trash Collection DSN: (315) 263-4035
Housing DSN: (315) 263-4818
Housing/Unaccompanied DSN: (315) 263-3890
Housing/Furnishings DSN: (315) 263-4943
Master Planning DSN: (315) 263-3374
Facility Space Assignment DSN: (315) 263-4352
General Engineering DSN: (315) 263-3053