Once your Soldier is assigned to a specific Company following their time at Reception Battalion (usually 4-10 days), they will be able to give you an address. You may get a phone call with that information or you may get a letter or postcard with it. They should also provide you with the proper format for addressing letters you send. 

Mail Expectations

Fort Jackson receives well over 10,000 pieces of mail daily for Soldiers.
Once mail arrives on Fort Jackson, it goes through additional steps before it reaches a Soldier:
1.       All mail items are hand sorted
2.       Each battalion receives more than 1,000 pieces a daily that must be hand sorted
3.       This process from the Fort Jackson Post Office to the unit can add 3-5 days before Soldier receives the mail
4.       Mail may take 10 business days to reach your Soldier (pre-COVID)
5.       COVID precautions have increased the time it takes for Soldiers to receive mail

  • The best way to communicate with your Soldier will be through the mail

  • Your Soldier is very busy and may not be able to write back as often as you would like. Mail is a huge morale booster; so keep sending letters

  • Mail is NEVER withheld as punishment

  • It is a Federal crime to withhold mail

  • Drill sergeants do not go through the mail prior to your Soldier receiving it. Soldiers, however, are required to open packages and large envelopes in front of drill sergeants to ensure no contraband items are inside.

You can send:

  • Letters
  • Personal photos (must be tasteful with no nudity, hand gestures, alcohol or tobacco usage)
  • Religious reading material
  • Finger and toenail clippers
  • Hygiene items (must be unscented and perfume free)
  • Sunscreen (unscented)
  • Unflavored lip balm, with sunscreen in it
  • Pens, paper, stamps, pre-stamped and addressed envelopes
  • Blister pads (i.e., Moleskin)
  • Address book
  • Plain, unflavored cough drops, menthol only
  • Prepaid Visa gift cards
  • Disposable razors


Each unit has different rules on care packages. Please view the unit's Facebook page for more information.

Do not send

  • Electronics to include: cameras, MP3, CD or DVD players
  • Tobacco products including vaping items
  • Food items to include seasonal holiday candy
  • Cosmetics
  • Newspaper clippings
  • Alcohol (drinking)
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Weapons of any type (including pocket knives, brass, or ammunition)
  • Wrist or ankle braces unless issued by Army medical personnel
  • Contact lenses, or civilian prescription eye glasses
  • Cologne, perfume or body spray
  • Straight edge razors
  • Civilian clothing
  • Curling irons
  • Health supplements
  • Vitamin C cough drop supplements
  • Nude or inappropriate photos 
  • Over the counter medications
  • Civilian reading materials (book and magazines)
  • No aerosol items
  • Stuffed animals
  • Jewelry (exception is wedding ring/band in accordance with safety/training guidelines)
  • Homemade personal hygiene products 
  • Partially used items
  • Opened items
  • Excessively large greeting cards (bigger than 8 inches)