In the event of an emergency involving an immediate Family member, contact the American Red Cross at (877) 272-7337. The Red Cross will contact your trainee’s battalion and provide assistance if the Soldier returns home on leave. Units will not be able to assist without Red Cross verification.

Submit a Request Online

You can initiate a request for Red Cross emergency assistance for members of the military currently serving on active duty by using the online self-service tool. Using a computer, smart phone or tablet, you can start a request for services and track its progress from anywhere in the world.

Visit for more information. 

Have the following information available


  • Soldier's full legal name

  • Rank/rating

  • Branch of service (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard)

  • Social Security number or Date of Birth

  • Military unit address

  • Information about the deployed unit and home base unit (for deployed service members only)