Chuck Berry’s “Run Rudolph Run” and other holiday hits blared at the corner of Strom Thurmond and Jackson Boulevards before the sun rose Dec. 14.
The annual Fort Jackson Holiday Run returned this year, marking the beginning of holiday season culminating in Victory Block Leave for Basic Combat Trainees and a well-deserved break for drill sergeants, cadre members and support personnel across the installation.
Brig. Gen. Patrick R. Michaelis, Fort Jackson commanding general, and Post Command Sgt. Maj. Philson Tavernier adorned their physical training uniforms with Santa and elf ear hats, mismatched Christmas socks and Christmas lights as they began the run after morning reveille.
“We got all decked out,” Tavenier said as he showed off his socks.
“Let’s go for a little run,” Michaelis said as he headed out. “Victory … Starts Here.”
As the lead, the command team began picking up units of Soldiers as they passed them along the route. The trail of Soldiers growing by the minute. Soldiers shouted cadences and jumped around to motivate others along the way.
A salute battery fired a volley of cannon fire as each battalion-sized element passed Michaelis and Tavernier at the release point where the command team cheered them on and gave high-fives to runners as they passed.
“Let’s go, let’s go,” shouted one runner as another runner sang “run, run, run, Rudolph run.”
Family members and Family Readiness Groups were invited to watch the run and motivate their Soldier’s unit on with cow bells, air horns and encouraging shouts.
As the run came to an end, some units were treated to hot beverages to shake off the unusually chilly 35 degree weather.
“Happy Holidays everyone,” Michaelis shouted.
A salute battery fires a volley of cannon fire as battalion-sized units pass the post command teams during the Fort Jackson Holiday Run early morning Dec. 14, 2021. The run celebrated the holiday season that culminates with Victory Block Leave and holiday leave for Team Jackson. (Photo by Spc. Robert King)