Finding employment overseas is a challenge. Be open to contractor and fed jobs or starting as a volunteer. Email ACS Employment Readiness:

  • Job announcement email blast
  • Contractor website list
  • Resume & interview seminars
  • SOFA employment rules

Federal Employment Preferences
Starting 30 days before you arrive at a new duty station, military spouses can apply to gov’t jobs using preferences that give greater job consideration (if you meet all criteria). You’ll have:

  • Military Spouse Preference
  • Overseas Family Member Preference

Search USAJobs to apply to gov’t jobs using MSP or FMP. Include:

  • PCS Orders listing your name
  • Marriage License

NOTE: Apply to as many jobs as you like using MSP or FMP. If an offer is made, you must accept it or lose that preference until your next PCS move.


Be proactive! Volunteering is a great way to meet others at your new home in Vicenza. Often volunteering is just what you need to get your foot in the door to a great job!

Army Community Service
Visit ACS’s Volunteer Coordinator on Caserma Ederle and sign up at VMIS for volunteer opportunities.

Garrison Approved Private Organizations
USAG Italy has a list of approved private organizations that support the Vicenza and Camp Darby military communities.  These groups raise money through a variety of fund raisers.  A list of organizations can be found at Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation.

American Red Cross
Visit American Red Cross on post to learn about volunteering in the vet/med/dental clinics, jr. lifeguards, resiliency programs, and more.

USO Vicenza

Visit USO Vicenza on Caserma Ederle to learn about providing services to Soldiers and their families.

Connect with your FRG!
Get in touch with your FRG to meet other spouses, get official info from your unit, and volunteer!



For adults who are interested in continuing or starting their studies, there are excellent resources here.

USAG Italy Education Services assists with:

  • School Accreditation
  • Examinations
  • Financial Aid
  • Local College Programs
  • JST transcripts
  • GI Bill programs

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