Our Mission

The mission of Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP) is to provide assistance to incoming and outgoing Soldiers to use the ARMY ACTNOW online system to find a sponsor at their next duty station and to train Soldiers to become better sponsors to their organization.



  1. Go to ARMY ACTNOW website.  Log in using CAC.
  2. Click on the Sponsorship tab and sub Tab for Form and complete sections 1, 2, 4 and 5.  Leave section 3 blank for the gaining unit to complete. 
  3. After you have completed those sections, please check the portion “I certify” block below your rank in section 1 and save your form at the bottom of the page. 
  4. Entering this information in the ACT system will generate your DA Form 5434 while sending your information to the gaining installation and unit.  The gaining unit will complete section 3 and contact the in-coming Soldier.
  5. Should you require additional information or have questions about this process, please EMAIL TASP.



  1. Upon receiving Assignment Instructions, log in ARMY ACTNOW to get orders.
  2. Click on the Sponsorship tab and sub Tab for Form and complete sections 1, 2, 4 and 5.  Leave section 3 blank for the gaining unit to complete. 
  3. In section 4D, TASP POC:  USAG Italy Installation Sponsorship Liaison (ISL) Office; 314-646-2575.
  4. After you have completed those sections, please check the portion “I certify” block below your rank in section 1 and save your form at the bottom of the page. 
  5. Entering this information in the ACT system will generate your DA Form 5434 while sending your information to the gaining installation.  The gaining unit will complete section 3 and contact the Soldier.  Section 3 must be completed in order to obtain the TASP stamp for your levy packet. If you are having issues with obtaining a sponsor, request assistance from your BN/BDE Sponsorship Representative. If you still require assistance, please send an email to USAG Italy ISL and we will reach out to your gaining unit.
  6. Please email your ACT generated form 5434 to the USAG Italy ISL at the Central Processing Facility, Building 393, for the TASP verification stamp. 
  7. Sponsorship is optional for TIER III Soldiers (E7-E9; O4-O6 and W3-W5). If you do not require a sponsor, please send an email to USAG Italy ISL requesting a TIER III memorandum.