Our Mission
The mission of Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP) is to provide assistance to incoming and outgoing Soldiers to use the ✪ARMY ACTNOW online system to find a sponsor at their next duty station and to train Soldiers to become better sponsors to their organization.
- Go to ✪ARMY ACTNOW website. Log in using CAC.
- Click on the Sponsorship tab and sub Tab for Form and complete sections 1, 2, 4 and 5. Leave section 3 blank for the gaining unit to complete.
- After you have completed those sections, please check the portion “I certify” block below your rank in section 1 and save your form at the bottom of the page.
- Entering this information in the ACT system will generate your DA Form 5434 while sending your information to the gaining installation and unit. The gaining unit will complete section 3 and contact the in-coming Soldier.
- Should you require additional information or have questions about this process, please EMAIL TASP.
- Upon receiving Assignment Instructions, log in ✪ARMY ACTNOW to get orders.
- Click on the Sponsorship tab and sub Tab for Form and complete sections 1, 2, 4 and 5. Leave section 3 blank for the gaining unit to complete.
- In section 4D, TASP POC: USAG Italy Installation Sponsorship Liaison (ISL) Office; 314-646-2575.
- After you have completed those sections, please check the portion “I certify” block below your rank in section 1 and save your form at the bottom of the page.
- Entering this information in the ACT system will generate your DA Form 5434 while sending your information to the gaining installation. The gaining unit will complete section 3 and contact the Soldier. Section 3 must be completed in order to obtain the TASP stamp for your levy packet. If you are having issues with obtaining a sponsor, request assistance from your BN/BDE Sponsorship Representative. If you still require assistance, please send an email to USAG Italy ISL and we will reach out to your gaining unit.
- Please email your ACT generated form 5434 to the USAG Italy ISL at the Central Processing Facility, Building 393, for the TASP verification stamp.
- Sponsorship is optional for TIER III Soldiers (E7-E9; O4-O6 and W3-W5). If you do not require a sponsor, please send an email to USAG Italy ISL requesting a TIER III memorandum.