
The mission of the DPW is to provide engineering, operations and maintenance, environmental, and housing services to support the mission of USAG Italy. DPW is charged with: Sustainment, Restoration, and Modernization; Engineering Design; Construction Management; Utilities and Energy Management; Environmental Compliance; and Unaccompanied Personnel and Army Family Housing Services.

DPW Divisions

Operations & Maintenance Division | VMC   | DMC

The O&M Division is responsible for the sustainment of real property facilities and utilities infrastructure throughout the Garrison and provides for municipal services (custodial, grounds maintenance, and refuse). O&M operates complex central energy plants (CEPs), microgrids, and railroad infrastructure, and delivers utilities supplies to the installation.  

Business Operations Integration Division | VMC   | DMC

The Business Operations Integration Division manages directorate resources, information technology, and organizational strategic planning. It also coordinates the development and execution of annual work plans, processes service order (ArMA) and work order (DA 4283), handles scheduling, and manages supply operations including self-help materials for facility related requests.

Engineering Division

The Engineering Division provides engineering and architect design services and performs construction management for sustainment, restoration, modernization and minor construction projects. Provides energy and water management to meet established utility use intensity reduction goals. 

Housing DivisionVMCDMC

The Housing Division provides Army Family Housing, Unaccompanied Personnel Housing, and Private Rental Support services to Service Members and their Families.

Environmental DivisionVMCDMC

The DPW Environmental Division is committed to environmental excellence in all aspects of the USAG Italy mission. The Environmental Division is responsible for management of air quality, water quality (drinking water, wastewater, and storm water), environmental restoration, hazardous materials, solid/hazardous waste, natural resources and cultural resources programs.