What is the Transition Assistance Program (TAP)?
The Transition Assistance Program is a Commander's Program and a Soldier's responsibility!
TAP provides information and training to ensure transitioning Soldiers are prepared for their next step in life - whether it's pursuing continued education, jobhunting in the public and private sector, or starting their own business. In partnership with the Department of Labor (DOL), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and Small Business Administration, TAP provides benefits counseling, job search training, career planning and career assistance, and connects Soldiers with resources needed to achieve their career goals.
TAP is a congressionally mandated program containing mandatory elements prescribed through public law (VOW Act and NDAA2019). These mandatory components of TAP are applicable for all Soldiers who have at least 180 continuous days on active duty (including National Guard and Army Reserve serving on Title 10 status).
In accordance with Army Regulation 600-81, Soldiers are eligible to request TAP services 18 months from their separation date (or 24 months from their retirement date) and required to start the program no later than 12 months from that date. In either case, enrollment into the TAP process and completion of the initial counseling and pre-separation brief are required prior to reaching 12 months prior to separation.
In the event of unanticipated separation or retirement for any reason (including Reserve Component demobilization with less than 365 days), TAP services are still available and personnel are encouraged to begin using them as soon as separation is anticipated.
Transitioning Soldiers located remotely (more than 50 miles from a TAP center), the TAP Virtual Center is available online 24/7. The TAP Virtual Center also has a phone line component available 24/7 at 800-325-4715.
TAP services are available in whole, or in part, to the following personnel:
- All Soldiers (including National Guard and Reserve Component on Title 10 status)
- Retirees (space available)
- Qualifying Family Members of the above
We look forward to assisting you with your transition! GO EARLY; GO OFTEN!
Get Started with Transition
Soldiers within 18 months of ETS (and NLT 15 months of ETS), or 24 months of planned retirement (Voluntary Separation), may begin the TAP process following the steps below. Soldiers separating through the Medical Board (MEB/PEB), Chapter, or Administrative process (Involuntary Separation) should initiate TAP as soon as the process is initiated.
Step 1: Register Online
Complete both the self-registration and initial assessment located at the Army TAP Portal https://armytap.appsplatformportals.us ✪
Step 2: Attend Initial Counseling and Pre-Separation Brief
Once self-registration and initial assessment are complete, contact the Vicenza TAP Center via email (usarmy.usag-italy.id-europe.mbx.tap@army.mil) to schedule your Individualized Initial Counseling (IIC) and Pre-Separation Counseling (PSC).
Step 3: Attend Core Classes
The IIC and PSC must be completed prior to scheduling and attending core classes and workshops! The following CORE CLASSES are required of all separating service members and should be scheduled before all other additive classes and 2-Day Workshops:
- Managing Your Transition
- MOC Crosswalk*
- Financial Planning*
- VA Benefits and Services*
DOL One-Day (Employment Fundamentals of Career Transition)
* These classes have an associated deliverable (Career Readiness Standard) that may be required for submission to a Transition Counselor.
Step 4: Attend Desired/Required Workshops
Identify, schedule, and attend desired 2-day workshops. The following workshops are available and may be mandatory or optional based on your IIC;
- Employment Track: Employment Workshop*
- Education Track: Managing Your Education*
- Vocational Track: Career and Credential Exploration*
Entrepreneurship Track: Boots to Business
* These workshops have an associated deliverable (Career Readiness Standard) that may be required for submission to a Transition Counselor.
Step 5: Attend Final Capstone Appointment
90-120 days from your permanent departure date from Italy, you must:
- Complete the online Post-Assessment (your Transition Counselor will provide guidance at time of Capstone)
- Submit your Individual Transition Plan (ITP)
- Schedule and attend your final Capstone Appointment
- Receive Company Commanders final signature on DD2648
Army Career Skills Program (CSP)
Welcome to the U.S. Army Career Skills Program (CSP), an integral part of the Transition Soldier Life Cycle model designed to empower soldiers to seize training and development opportunities throughout their military journey. By engaging in the CSP, Soldiers enhance their skills and readiness to serve our nation, both in uniform and as civilians, beyond their military tenure.
In their final 180 days of service, Soldiers are eligible to participate in one of three pathways within the CSP: an Army CSP, a DoD SkillBridge Program, or an Individual Internship Program. See below for information on the CSP pathway types.
Participation in the CSP requires approval from the first field grade officer with UCMJ authority within the soldier's chain of command on the IMCOM 45 Soldier Participation Memo.
To qualify for the CSP, Soldiers must meet the following criteria:
- Be within 180 days of their separation/retirement date.
- Have fulfilled the TAP Career Readiness Standards requirements.
- Obtain approval from their commanding officer.
- Individual programs may have additional prerequisites.
For enrollment assistance and further information, Soldiers can visit the local Vicenza TAP office. Additionally, inquiries can be directed to the CSP Point of Contact via email at usarmy.usag-italy.id-europe.mbx.tap@army.mil.
Make the most of your transition by exploring the opportunities offered through the Army Career Skills Program.
Career Skills Program Options
Welcome to the Army's Career Skills Program (CSP), where Soldiers have three distinct pathways to participate and enhance their professional skills. To ensure you make the most suitable choice for your goals, consider the following options:
- Army Approved CSPs: These programs have received official approval from HQ IMCOM, G-1, or HQDA G-1 for soldier participation across various Army installations. They are endorsed by garrison commanders, and the approved providers have signed an Installation Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) or Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). For more details and a comprehensive list of available programs, visit the CSP Locations Page.
- DoD SkillBridge Programs: Through partnerships with industry leaders, the Department of Defense (DoD) offers SkillBridge Programs that span numerous sectors, including energy, information technology, manufacturing, retail, transportation, civil service, and more. These programs, though not pre-approved by HQ IMCOM, G-1, provide valuable opportunities for soldiers. Please note that they require a legal review by the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA). Explore further information about these programs on the DoD SkillBridge Website.
Individual Internships: Soldiers seeking tailored experiences in specific industries or companies not covered by established CSPs can pursue Individual Internship Programs. In this pathway, soldiers must approach private companies, explain the Army's program, and secure their participation. While offering flexibility, these programs necessitate a legal review by the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA). They are ideal for soldiers with clear career aspirations or preferences.
By understanding the distinctions among these pathways, you can navigate the CSP effectively and select the option that aligns best with your public / private career objectives.
Career Skills Program - Documents and Forms
(1) Click here to download the Soldier Checklist
(2) Click here to download the IMCOM 45 Soldier Participation Memo
(3) Click here to download the Individual Internship/DOD SkillBridge Agreement
Take Charge of your post-active-duty journey with the Army Reserve
Take the next step in your military journey by joining the United States Army Reserve. As you transition, leverage the expertise of a Reserve Component Career Counselor (RCCC) to explore exciting opportunities within the Reserve forces.
Schedule an appointment with our RCCC, MSG Bravo, who will work closely with you to understand your unique goals, skills, and aspirations. Through the personalized counseling sessions, you'll receive invaluable guidance on reserve component career pathways, policies, available resources ultimately equipping you with the tools and knowledge to make well-informed decisions about your future in the Army Reserve.
Location: Caserma Ederle, Bldg. 126, Office C
Contact Information:
Enlisted Transition Counselor:
- Cell (WhatsApp): +39.344.466.0397
Officer Transition Counselor:
- Cell: +49.174.850.6420
- DSN: 314.523.0162
Department of Veterans Affairs Benefits Advisor
Understand your VA Benefits with expert guidance through personalized one-on-one assistance, our advisors will guide you through all the benefits and services available to you, including:
- Disability and Compensation: Understand your eligibility for disability payments and other compensation benefits.
- VA Health Care: Get access to quality medical care and treatment tailored to veterans' needs.
- Education: Discover educational opportunities, including scholarships, grants, and vocational rehabilitation.
- Insurance (Dental and Life): Protect your family with affordable dental and life insurance plans specifically designed for veterans.
- Home Loan Guaranty: Achieve homeownership with low-down payment options and competitive interest rates.
- Pension: Explore eligibility for pension benefits based on your military service.
- Personalized Career Planning and Guidance: Receive professional support in identifying career goals, developing skills, and connecting with job opportunities.
- Veteran Readiness and Employment: Gain access to resources and support to prepare for and transition into civilian employment.
- Find Local Support: Connect with local organizations and resources to support your transition and well-being as a veteran.
Contact our advisor today to schedule your one-on-one consultation, prior to your separation, and start maximizing your benefits as a veteran.
Location: Caserma Ederle, Bldg. 126, Office A
Benefits Advisor:
- DSN: 314.646.4843
- Comm: +39.044.471.4843
- Via Comm Cell: +39.327.583.4843
Department of Veterans Affairs Overseas Military Services Coordinator
- Department of Veterans Affairs Overseas Military Services Coordinator (OMSC) are available to assist with:
- Disability Compensation Claims and Status
- Education and Training (GI Bill)
- Vocational Rehabilitation (VR&E)
- VA Health Care and Foreign Medical Program
- VA Home Loan
- VA Life Insurance
- Dependent and Survivor Benefits
- Inquiries from Greece, Italy, Spain, and Turkey email: omscit.vbavaco@va.gov
USAG-Italy Separations Services Center
Separation Briefings Are Mandatory For ALL Separating Service Members
- Involuntary Separations
- Disability Evaluation System - Formally known as Medical Evaluation Board (MEB)
- Expiration Term of Service (ETS) within 12 months
- Retirees within 24 months of planned retirement date
Location: Caserma Ederle, Bldg. 126, Office #3
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday: 13:00 - 16:30
- Thursday: By Appointment Only
Contact Information:
- DSN: 314.646.4843
- Comm: +39.044.471.4843
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is eligible to use Transition Assistance Program (TAP) services?
Active Component Soldiers, Reserve Component Soldier (on Title 10 Orders exceeding 180 days), Retired Soldiers (Space available basis), Department of Army Civilians (under certain circumstances), and eligible family members.
Do I have to participate in TAP?
Yes! If you are separating from the military, regardless the reason for separation, you must enroll in, and attend TAP to comply with the requirements of Public Law. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) 2019 and the Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) Act require TAP for all separating service members. All Service members must participate in the TAP to meet Career Readiness Standards (CRS) specific to their post-transition career goals.
When should I start the TAP process and for how long can I receive assistance?
As soon as you reach 18-months from ETS (regardless of the intent to extend or reenlist), or within 24-months of your planned retirement date, you may initiate the TAP process. Reserve Component Soldiers service on Title 10 Orders exceeding 180 days are also eligible and should start the process prior to activating the current set of orders by contacting the Army TAP Virtual Center at (800) 325-4715. Separating soldiers are eligible for TAP services up to 6-months after transition, and retiring service members have access to TAP services for life.
What should I do if my unit will not allow me to attend TAP?
Congress directed TAP to ensure separating service members have enough time to take full advantage of TAP. Your unit is required to allow you sufficient time for you to receive TAP services following the Army Transition Timeline. Keep in mind, the unit's mission is the first priority and TAP Participation should be coordinated with unit leadership. Beginning the process early will allow time to schedule activities and use TAP services around mission demands. Speak with your chain of command to see how you can fit TAP into your duty time. Call your TAP Center to find out how you can creatively schedule your activities using the distributive model.
What do I do if I am stationed in a remote location and do not have access to a TAP Center?
If there are no TAP Centers in your area, you can use the Army Virtual TAP Center (24/7) to complete the requirements of TAP and receive job assistance from a TAP counselor by calling 800-325-4715. Soldiers may also choose to use the TAP On-Line website. Service members are not restricted to using their primary Branch of Service for TAP. If there are other military bases, you may also request TAP services at those locations. To locate a Transition Assistance Office in your area, visit the TAP Centers Page. You should also visit the Military OneSource and the Department of Labor American Job Center website to aid with employment and other resources for transition.
Is TAP just a bunch of class I have to attend?
No. In addition to the required classes and workshops, there are products known as Career Readiness Standards (CRS) that must be prepared and submitted with certain core classes and workshops. A Transition Counselor will discuss the specific items during the Individualized Initial Counseling appointment.
What are Career Readiness Standards (CRS)?
A set of common and specific activities and associated relevant deliverables (documented as part of Capstone completion), which must be achieved to demonstrate Service members are prepared to transition effectively to pursue their personal post-separation higher education, vocational training, and civilian employment goals.
Can I complete TAP Online?
Soldiers located within 50-miles of a TAP center must attend classes and workshops in-person. When circumstances prevent soldiers from going to a brick-and-mortar TAP center, they may register for and schedule services through the TAP Virtual Center where TAP Counselors will greet you, assist you with your transition needs and answer any of your questions.
Will transitioning Soldiers have multiple TAP appointments?
Yes. Soldiers will require several appointments to complete their TAP services and meet the CRS requirements. Following registration, soldiers are required to attend their Individualized Initial Counseling (IIC) appointment and the Pre-Separation Counseling (PSC) Brief. The IIC is an in-person appointment with a Transition Counselor and is scheduled to last up to an hour. The second required appointment, the PSC, is a virtual session held on Zoom and lasts for 2-hours. These two appointments MUST occur first, and in the order scheduled, before proceeding with the remainder of TAP.
How do I know my Soldiers are meeting the requirements of TAP?
The TAP scheduling capability lets Soldiers print appointment slips from the beginning with their first visit, they will be able to show you an appointment slip for every transition service they are schedule to attend. If you ever want to check, you can always call the TAP Center to verify your Soldier actually reported as scheduled. Also, with the new Client Portal Online, a soldier can log into their dashboard at any time to show their status, pending and all pending and attended classes. The portal can be accessed here: https://portal.armytap.army.mil
Are Soldiers who are being involuntarily separated required to receive TAP services?
All Soldiers who have 180 days or more of continuous active duty upon separation are required to receive TAP services in accordance with Section 1142 (a)(4)(C) of Title 10 U.S.C. regardless of the type of separation.
Are Soldiers eligible to reenlist or extend once they have started TAP?
Yes. TAP helps Soldiers realistically evaluate and compare opportunities available in the private sector. Many TAP clients realize they already have a great career or that they need additional training, education, and experience in order to achieve their ultimate career goals and they reenlist as a result.
Are DA Civilians (DAC) eligible to receive TAP services?
Yes. DA Civilians who are subject to a RIF or BRAC are eligible to receive TAP services at a TAP Center or through the 24/7 TAP Virtual Center. If the DA Civilian is retired from the military, they have access to TAP for life on a space-available basis.
Can spouses and/or family members of Soldiers use TAP services?
Yes. Family members of Soldiers in their transition window are eligible to receive TAP services at a TAP Center.
Can a Service member attend TAP at any Military Installation?
Yes. Service members may receive transition services at any military installation where TAP is provided. Soldiers do not have to attend at an Army TAP Center. The Contract Installation Manager at the TAP Center can connect soldiers with other TAP Centers when attendance in Vicenza is not feasible. The Core Curriculum and Workshops are DOD-wide, and all requirements remain the same across branches.
What courses are required to complete TAP?
There are five core classes required of all transitioning service members regardless of their reason for separation. The first three required classes include Managing Your Transition, MOC Crosswalk, and Financial Planning for Transition. These three classes are presented on the same day, known as "Army transition Day." Additionally, all Active Component soldiers, with the exception of retiring soldiers, must also attend the Continuum of Military Services Brief provided by the RCCC during Transition Day. The fourth required core class is VA Benefits and Services. The fifth required core class is the Department of Labor (DOL) Employment Fundamentals of Career Transition (DOL One Day). If taken consecutively, these five classes can be completed in three days.
Are there any workshops to help me prepare for transition?
Yes. TAP offers four, 2-day workshops to provide necessary resources and information designed to assist service members develop their skills in the areas of Employment, Education, Vocational, and Entrepreneurship. DOL offers the Employment Workshop and Vocational Workshop (Career and Credential Exploration), DOD offers the Education Workshop (Managing Your Education), and the Small Business Administration (SBA) offers the Entrepreneurship workshop (Boots to Business). All workshops are held at the Vicenza TAP Center on Caserma Ederle in Building 126, Classroom K.
Is TAP just a bunch of class I have to attend?
No. In addition to the required classes and workshops, there are products known as Career Readiness Standards that must be prepared and submitted with certain core classes and workshops. A Transition Counselor will discuss the specific items during the Individualized Initial Counseling appointment.
How do I know I have completed the requirements of TAP?
After attending all required core classes, desired workshops, and completing all CRS items, Soldiers must attend a final Capstone appointment to complete the DD2648. The DD2648 documents completion of TAP and is required to receive the DD214 from the Service Separation Office. The responsible commander is the final signature authority for the DD2648.
What happens if I do not meet Career Readiness Standards?
In rare instances where a Soldier does not complete the requirements of TAP, they will be process as NOT meeting Career Readiness Standards. Responsible commanders must acknowledge this status on the DD2648 and also ensure the arrangement of a warm handover connecting the Soldier with an appropriate DoD partner agency that can provide continued benefits, services and support. The warm handover is part of the CAPSTONE process and results in the person-to-person connection of Soldiers to services and follow-up resources as needed.
What are the command’s roles and responsibilities to TAP?
The Commanding Officer has oversight responsibility of your transition process and is charged with ensuring separating service members complete the Transition Assistance Program and meet Career Readiness Standards (CRS) according to DoDI 1332.35.
In order to do so, commanding officers shall,
- Ensure that Transition components are delivered at key touch points throughout the MLC
- Ensure that service members develop and maintain their Individual Development Plan (IDP)
- Ensure that service members develop and maintain their Individual Transition Plan (ITP)
- Verify that eligible service members have met CRS at Capstone
- Ensure that service members who did not meet CRS are provided a “warm handover” to the appropriate interagency parties or local resource