Mound Road Gate (Gate 1) - 24-hour Inbound/Outbound Traffic 
Located between 11 Mile Road and 12 Mile Road on the east side of Mound Road. 

  • This gate is the commercial vehicle access point - all commercial vehicles must enter through the inspection point during duty hours. 
  • All visitor access is processed through this gate when the Visitor Control Center is closed.

11 Mile Road Gate (Gate 38) - Open Inbound/Outbound from 5:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. weekdays
Located between Van Dyke Road and Mound Road, on the north side of the 11 Mile Service Drive.

  • Commercial Vehicle Access Point ONLY when Gate 1 is closed.  ​​​
  • The Visitor Control Center is located adjacent to the gate.

Access to the arsenal is permitted by showing valid Common Access Cards, any other Department of Defense identification cards such as retiree or family member ID cards (similar to other Army installations), or unexpired current Arsenal security badges. Current badges will be accepted for installation access until their expiration date, but they will not be renewed for CAC/Military ID holders.

All persons entering the Detroit Arsenal without the above credentials are required to obtain a security identification badge from the Visitor Control Center (VCC).  

Phone: DSN 786.5757 or Commercial 586.282.5757.

The VCC is where a visitor receives a security identification badge for access to the Detroit Arsenal.  Persons with a DoD CAC or Military ID Card may self-sponsor for access.  Persons without CAC or Military ID must have a government sponsor submit a Visitor Badge Application (STA Form 17) prior to the visit.  All persons without a CAC or Military ID are subject to a Criminal History Record check prior to being granted access.

The VCC is open Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. - 2 p.m., except Holidays. 

Real ID Act of 2005

Under the provisions of the Real ID Act of 2005, driver's license and ID cards from certain states and territories are not valid for unescorted access to the Detroit Arsenal. Click on the following link for the Department of Homeland Security website to determine the status of each state and territory " Current Status of States/Territories.". Persons requesting unescorted access to the Detroit Arsenal and who present a standard license or ID from one of those states will be required to present additional documentation to verify their identity prior to being allowed access.