As of 17 February 2023, by Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness:
Advancements in installation physical access control systems and procedures, and the implementation of the REAL ID Act, have eliminated the requirement for the Department of Defense (DoD) Civilian Retiree Identification (ID) Card authorized by the referenced memorandum. This memorandum cancels the referenced memorandum. Issuance of new DoD Civilian Retiree ID Cards will be terminated immediately. Previously issued DoD Civilian Retiree ID Cards will remain valid through August 31, 2023, and will not be reissued.
Procedures for access to DoD installations are established in Department of Defense Manual (DoDM) 5200.08, Volume 3, "Physical Security Program: Access to DoD Installations," and require all persons seeking such access to establish their identity, fitness, and purpose. In situations where an installation commander authorizes DoD civilian retirees limited use of morale, welfare, and recreation activities, as defined by Department of Defense Instruction 1015.10, "Military Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Programs," that authorized use may provide the required purpose. DoD civilian retirees must present an acceptable credential, such as a REAL ID Act-compliant driver's license, and establish their fitness as described in DoDM 5200.08. Also as described in DoDM 5200.08, DoD civilian retirees making such authorized use, when they are in receipt of their retirement Standard Form-SO, ''Notification of Personnel Action" may enroll their REAL ID Act-compliant driver's license for future use at the installation Visitor Control Center to facilitate future visits to the installation. 
Our goal is to provide seamless service to our customers.
If you need to coordinate REFRAD/separation/retirement processing services you can still contact the transition office at 717 245 3894 or send an email to
If you need to coordinate benefits assistance, casualty assistance, survivors benefits, etc you can still contact the Retirement Svcs Office at 717 245 4501 or send an email to
Purpose: Provides information and services on benefits and entitlements to active duty Soldiers and Families preparing for retirement and to retirees and Families.
Survivor Benefits/Retirement Benefit Briefings: Carlisle Barracks is not a station of choice. Your Retirement Orders must indicate Carlisle Barracks as your Soldier for Life Transition Site to receive this briefing. This is a one-on-one briefing located in the RSO office and takes 90 minutes. If the member is married, the spouse needs to be present. Appointments can be made by contacting the Retirement Services Office (RSO) at (717) 245-4501 or
Pre-Retirement/Pre-Separation Benefits Group Briefings: Group benefits briefings are conducted monthly in conjunction with other installation tenants. The schedule and registration information are as follows:
To see the following upcoming TAP calender please go to: