As you weigh your options between living on-post or in the neighboring communities, the Army Housing Office (AHO) is your guide to make informed decisions.

The Army Housing Office provides a broad array of services to military and civilian personnel. The Army Housing office has information on available home listings for rent, can assist you with temporary lodging, an overview of community resources and amenities, provide maps, and other community service information. We provide desk spaces and telephones for your use and are able to give you information about the housing market at your next duty station.

Military personnel reporting for duty to Carlisle Barracks are required to visit the Army Housing Office at Shughart Hall, Building 460 Sumner Road or contact us by email prior to seeking off-post rental housing.   

Housing options include family homes on Carlisle Barracks, managed by Balfour Beatty Communities (BBC).  BBC has been the Army's Privatization Partner for on post Family Housing at Carlisle Barracks since 2006.  

To learn more about on-post homes, details, neighborhoods, styles and amenities, please visit Balfour Beatty Communities at, the Balfour Beatty Facebook site at or contact the BBC Community Management Office directly at (717) 243-7177.

Looking to Rent or Buy?

Off-post rental information may be found on Listings include available community rentals, shared rentals, rooms for rent, furnished or unfurnished and temporary lodging.  Note: landlords and property managers have agreed to have an understanding of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA), which as a federal law provides extra protections for our military community.  

Whether you decide to reside on post or off, it is highly recommended to complete a housing inspection form when taking possession of a rental property.  You may obtain a copy of an inspection checklist from the Army Housing Office at Carlisle or use one resourced on-line.  Be sure to provide your landlord with a copy as well as saving one for your file, to have available during your move out inspection. BBC will provide you with an inspection form upon signing tor on-post housing; please be sure to complete it and return it to them for you file.

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