Carlisle Barracks is a dynamic center of services and activities -- surrounded by vibrant communities nested in the heart
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Area public schools
- Big Spring School District
- Carlisle Area School District
- Cumberland Valley School District
- Mechanicsburg Area School District
- South Middleton School District
Area private schools
- Carlisle Christian Academy, Carlisle, K to 12
- Saint Patrick Catholic School, Carlisle, pre-K to 8
- Trinity Catholic High School, Camp Hill, 9-12
- Christian School of Grace Baptist Church, Carlisle
- The Goddard School for Early Childhood Development, Mechanicsburg
- Emergency Room at UPMC Pinnacle Carlisle (Call 911)
361 Alexander Spring Road
Carlisle, PA 17015
Phone: 717-249-1212 - UPMC Pinnacle Carlisle
Carlisle City Services
- Family Library, Bosler Library, Carlisle (service includes Carl. Barracks residents)
Motor Vehicles/Firearms
- Pa Department of Motor Vehicles Military Personnel/Veterans Information Center
- Firearms information - Pa State Police (All post residents must register firearms, call 717-245-4929)