WSMR Public Affairs

Everyone with a CAC card needs to have their email changed from to by 31 March 2022.

Don't forget to change your CAC email before March 31


Everyone with a CAC card needs to have their email changed from to by 31 March 2022.

Everyone has been focusing on the migration to 365 and migrating to in outlook/365. 

But what they have failed to do is update their CAC cards email address as well. 

Come 31 March if that has not been done, many functions done with the CAC card will be inoperable.


As part of the Army Email Migration Plan, the deadline for all users to update their email address on their CAC to is 31 March 2022.


Everyone should have received an email from Heidi Fields dated Feb. 8 with an attached Word Doc containing instructions on how to do it on your computer.


Here are some additional tips:


*Read attachment thoroughly.


*Put your CAC in the laptop - not a card reader or keyboard.


*Log out of Outlook and Teams first.


*Close all other windows.


*Use Internet Explorer. Will not work in Edge or Chrome.


*If you get an error, push your F5 key (refresh) to retry. Sometimes you may have to do that 4 to 7 times.


*Make sure you re-publish your certs to the GAL


If all else fails and you are unable to update your address to with the provided instructions please DO NOT CALL the CAC Office.


Request an appointment for this update by going to

<>  (you may have to copy and paste the link).


Once you complete the appointment process, within an hour or so an email will be forwarded to you with your appointment date and time. Appointments will

begin on 7 February 2022, and will be made on a first-come first-serve basis.

Every attempt will be made to give you the appointment requested, however, there is a possibility your specified date/time has already been reserved.


Note: For those employees who do have computer access to schedule an appointment, anyone with a computer can schedule an appointment for them. If this is the situation, the individual scheduling the appointment will be the recipient of the Appointment Email.  Please ensure that the individual who actually needs the appointment is advised of the date/time of their appointment.

 It is imperative that every effort is made to keep the scheduled appointment.