By Miriam Rodriguez
WSMR Public Affairs

Representatives with the National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine, pictured inside the Cox Range Control Center with WSMR leaders, were at White Sands Missile Range March 9 and 10 to conduct a Director, Operational Test and Evaluation Range Study. (Photo by Jose Salazar)
National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine reps tour WSMR
Representatives with the National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine were at White Sands Missile Range March 9 and 10 to conduct a Director, Operational Test and Evaluation Range Study.
WSMR leaders gave several briefings on WSMR capabilities and gave a tour of several facilities to include the Gamma Radiation Facility and Pulse Gamma Simulator and Cox Range Control Center.
DOT&E is the principal staff assistant and senior advisor to the Secretary of Defense on operational test and evaluation in the Department of Defense.
During the visit WSMR Commander Brig. Gen. Eric Little discussed the role of the Deputy Commanding General Developmental Test and provided a WSMR Command Brief.
Discussions included how ATEC is preparing our Range Capabilities to support future test programs up to 2035. The WSTC team also provided an overview of High Energy Laser Systems Test Facility operations and displayed vehicular platforms, projectiles and UAS to demonstrate the effects of High Energy Lasers on these systems.
NASEM is assessing the operational suitability of Department of Defense Test and Evaluation Ranges, infrastructure, and tools used for the test and evaluation (T&E) of military systems' operational effectiveness, suitability, survivability, and lethality across all domains (land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace).