Marchers during the 2023 Bataan Memorial Death March

Things to know for the Bataan Memorial Death March

The 35th annual Bataan Memorial Death March will take place this Saturday, March 16 at White Sands Missile Range.

The march is conducted in honor of the heroic Service Members who defended the Philippine islands during World War II.

Things to know:

2-Day Packet Pickup Dates: Thursday, March 14th, 8am – 6pm and Friday, March 15th, 8am – 6pm

Packet pickup will take place at White Sands Missile Range in the Professional Development Center located at 465 Dyer Street in Building 465 rooms 132 and 133 A/B.

Individuals must pick up their packets or arrange for someone to pick it up for them on March 14 or 15.

During the same time as packet pickup, the Army Community Service Building 250, across the street from the PDC, will feature the sponsor exhibition and souvenir sales.

Marcher vehicle passes were emailed to registered participants earlier this month. Participants should use the Las Cruces Gate to get on base to pick up packets.

Individuals without a bib on race day will be removed from the course by security.


Bell Gymnasium will not be available for billeting for Bataan 2024.

Tent Areas at Volunteer Park and MST Soccer Field: Designated camping will be at Volunteer Park and the Middle School and Teen Building 1318 Soccer Field. These camping areas are open to all participants of the Bataan Memorial Death March free of charge. You must bring your own tent and camping gear. No reservation is required. Portable latrines will be available at both camping areas. Signs will be posted showing where participants can start setting up tents beginning Thursday, before the march event, at 10 a.m.

Volunteer Park RV Spaces


Outdoor Recreation has limited space for full hook-up RV accommodations.  You must speak directly with Outdoor Recreation staff for the reservation to be confirmed. No requests submitted via voicemail or email will be accepted. Travel camp reservations will open next year on Thursday, 1 February 2024, at 9 a.m.  To reserve your space call (575) 678-1713. First come, first served dry camp spaces are available at no cost and no reservation is required.


Marchers and viewers attending the Bataan Memorial Death March should be prepared for increased security and possible delays prior to the event.

Motorists are asked to have their vehicle pass prominently displayed in their windshield and to have their IDs ready when they are entering the post. Passengers must also have their IDs ready. Personnel who do not have a picture ID will experience lengthy delays outside the gate while their information is completely checked. Motorists should not be surprised if they or their vehicle(s) are searched. “Everyone is subject to search.” Marchers should plan on arriving at the gates no later than 4:30 a.m. Motorists coming in from the El Paso gate are asked not to come in after 4:45 a.m., or they will run the risk of being stuck in traffic. Martin Luther King Avenue will be closed to all traffic at 5:30 a.m.  Random NCIC checks will be conducted on those personnel entering the installation.

Everyone entering the installation should have a valid photo ID. Drivers must also have proof of valid insurance and valid registration.

Individuals coming on or off post after the race has started will use the HAZMAT Gate 18A to enter the installation.

Food Bank Donations

If you are registered to march in a heavy division, you are required to carry 35 pounds in your backpack.

Please consider using food to use as weight in your backpack, such as: beans, rice, canned food, macaroni, or pasta.

Clear tape MUST be used when wrapping food items for weight, food cannot be accepted when wrapped with Duct Tape, Gorilla Tape, Electrical Tape, etc.

You will be able to donate this food for a good cause when you reach the finish line.

Last year, over 29,000 pounds of nonperishable food items were donated to Roadrunner Food Bank and Casa de Peregrinos after the Bataan Memorial Death March. It is our hope that the individuals that will be packing heavy will consider packing nonperishable food items once again to increase the total donations.

Please don’t open bags of food and put the items into your own Ziplock bags. Clear tape MUST be used when wrapping food items for weight, food cannot be wrapped with Duct Tape, Gorilla Tape, Electrical Tape, etc. Unfortunately, items donated without their original wrapping or completely encased in duct tape cannot be reused. Ingredient labels must be present.

Miriam Rodriguez

WSMR Public Affairs