October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month: WSMR 2024 Events
Wear Purple Day
Who: WSMR Community
What: Wear Purple attire
When: Monday, October 2, 2023
Where: WSMR
Why: This day is nationally recognized as one to provide community awareness and educate others about domestic violence by encouraging people to wear purple.
Bystander Intervention & Self-Defense Class
Who: FAP, DES, WSMR adult personnel
What: Psychoeducation and entry-level physical protection training
When: Thursday, October 5, 2023, 9:00-10:30am
Where: Army Community Service, Building 250, Community Room
Why: Bystander intervention is recognizing a potentially harmful situation or interaction and choosing to respond in a way that could positively influence the outcome. It is a social science model that predicts the likelihood of groups willing to actively address situations that are deemed problematic. Self-defense class is for individuals to learn basic moves for protecting oneself in potentially dangerous situations.
Walk-A-Mile in their Shoes & DV Prevention Proclamation Signing
Who: Installation and Garrison Command, FAP, 3-6 AMD, OMHS ROTC, NMSU ROTC
What: Proclamation signing and a one-mile walk
When: Thursday, October 12, 2023, 6:30-7:30am
Where: Sgt. Pedro Track
Why: The signing is a symbol of commitment by the WSMR leadership to provide a safe and proactive community free from domestic violence. To engage with the service members and their families to whom we provide services.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month- Table of Information
Who: FAP
What: Table of information
When: Thursday, October 12, 2023, 11:00-1:00pm
Where: Post Exchange
Why: Raise awareness and educate the community about available services. FAP brochures, purple lightbulbs and other promotional items will be distributed.
“A Daddy’s Love”: Helping Fathers Grow
Who: WSMR Community, FAP, Conscious Fathering Program of Southern NM
What: Parenting/Life-Skills Class
When: Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 1:00-2:00pm
Where: Army Community Service, Building 250, Training Room
Why: Mentorship session for fathers with children ages 0-18 years old. Hands-on programming that prepares fathers for taking care of their newborns, child development, healthy family relationships, balancing family, and work, and establishing what being a father means to you. Metal Plated Cloth Bracelets will be distributed to participants.
Who: WSMR Community
What: Zumba
When: Thursday, October 19, 2023, 11:00-1:00pm
Where: Army Community Service, Building 250, Yellow Ribbon Room
Why: A fun and engaging activity that aims to bring people together to show their support for domestic violence prevention and utilize as a healing method from abuse or other familial stressors.
The Animal & Human Violence Connection
Who: FAP, Animal Services Center of the Mesilla Valley, Center Against Family
Violence, WIC, Day One Home Visiting Program, WSMR Community
What: Informational event and display of animals (4 pets)
When: Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 3:00-5:00pm
Where: Bldg. 250 ACS Lawn. In case of inclement weather, ACS Community Room.
Why: Studies have shown that as many as 80% of intimate partner violence cases also involve animal abuse. There is a correlation of a batterer using more dangerous forms of violence who also abuse their pets. Too often the decision to leave pets in a violent environment hinders victims and families of domestic violence to escape. In turn, pets are utilized as emotional supports.