NOTICE: Expect traffic, delays, and noise for Bataan  

WSMR residents and employees are reminded that next weekend, March 14-16 will be the lead up to and execution of this year’s Bataan Memorial Death March. 

WSMR is expecting more than 5,000 marchers this year, the following inconveniences are expected for residents:

Expect increased traffic at the gates and main post March 14 and 15 with marchers coming onto post to pick up their registration packets, as well as march support staff setting up their equipment. 

Lines at the PX, Commissary, as well as restaurants and other services can be expected to be longer during this time as well.

Cannon shots will take place March 15 during the rehearsal of the opening ceremony, as well as the morning of March 16 to mark the start of the race. Expect extreme traffic all day March 16 for the execution of the race. Traffic is expected to be worst in the morning from 4 a.m. to 8 a.m. with lots of foot traffic throughout the day.

Specific areas expected to see significant foot and vehicle traffic are:

The Professional Development Center and nearby facilities will see increased traffic throughout the event. 

Volunteer Park and nearby areas will see in influx of tents and campers.

The start line will be located near the Middle School and Teen Center and will see a lot of activity the day before and morning of the race. Expect both vehicle and foot traffic throughout the event.

Empty lots north of the MST Center between Aerobee Ave. and Rock Island Ave. will be used for marcher parking.

The finish line for the race is located in front of the Frontier Club. This location will see significant pedestrian and vehicle activity from March 14-17 as support staff set up, operate, and take down required equipment and tents. 

There will be several road closures March 16 for safety and to clear roads that are on the race route. Owen Road will be closed much of March 16 as it is part of the march route. 

Please check WSMR’s Facebook and other communications outlets for updates on which roads will be closed and what detours will be available.