(23 APR 24): There have been several major updates to the Regimental Week schedule.
• Tuesday, 23 APR:
Symposium schedule updates.
• Thursday, 25 APR:
o Add: 1SG(R) Tony Lister’s Retirement Ceremony, LHA, 1130. Audience: Open
o Change: Emeritus social now incorporated into No Host Social in celebration of Mr. Lister’s retirement. Hopper’s Pub in Waynesville, 1930.
o Change: The location of the of the Fallen Sapper Memorial will now be indoors at the Soldier Memorial Chapel.
• Friday, 26 APR:
o Change: Regimental Awards Ceremony now incorporated into Engineer Regimental Ball.
o Change: Chief of Engineers Tree Dedication moved to later date (TBD).
o Cancellation of CoE Address and changes to ENTAPE Agenda.
• Saturday, 27 APR:
o Changes to ENTAPE Agenda. (See below)
• Sunday, 28 APR:
o Changes to ENTAPE Agenda. (Nothing held on Sunday. See below.)
• Updated PAO article with Regimental Week details.