Greetings from the Far North!
As commander of U.S. Army Garrison Alaska, I would like to be the first to welcome you to the home of the Arctic Warrior.
Whether this is your first assignment or a return assignment; you will find both Fort Wainwright and Fort Greely are wonderful communities to live, work and play as the interior of Alaska provides a lifetime’s worth of adventure for all ages and interests.
This will truly be one of the most incredible assignments you’ll experience in your Army career.
Transitioning to a new duty location, such as Alaska, can be a stressful and uncertain time. Being able to plan, prepare and have realistic expectations is critically important during this process. You’ll find a strong support network at USAG Alaska for you and your family. From Soldier and Family Readiness Groups and Spouses Clubs, to the many Garrison agencies and community stakeholders that support you.
The USAG Alaska family of organizations and directorates are a dedicated and hardworking team, supporting the Arctic Warrior in readiness and providing the highest quality of life for Soldiers, Families and civilians.
Your assignment to USAG Alaska will be a once in a lifetime experience. During this assignment, you and your family will foster new community friendships, learn about Alaskan culture and explore the most breathtaking landscapes on earth.
I encourage you all to get out and experience all that the Land of the Midnight Sun has to offer.
“Arctic Warriors – Arctic Tough”
Nate Surrey
Commander, US Army Garrison Alaska