This guide is designed to assist you in locating information regarding all the programs below and other vital information that is important to your well-being here in Alaska. If you are unable to locate the information or resources you're looking for, please call Army Community Service at 907-353-4ACS (4227). 

The Army Community Service Center services and programs include Army Emergency Relief, Financial Readiness, Family Advocacy, Exceptional Family Member Program, New Parent Support Program, Prevention and Education Resources, Survivor Outreach Services, Information, Referral and Follow-up, Relocation Assistance Program, Mobilization and Deployment Readiness Program, Employment Readiness Program, Army Volunteer Corps, Army Family Team Building, and Army Family Action Plan.
Fort Wainwright Army Community Service
Bldg. 3401 | Fort Wainwright, Alaska | 907-353-4227
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Fort Greely Army Community Service
Bldg. 661 | Fort Greely, Alaska | 907-873-2479
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Fort Wainwright and Fort Greely | 907-353-4369 or 3459
Army Emergency Relief provides interest-free loans, grants and scholarships to promote readiness and help relieve financial distress of Soldiers and their Families. AER provides assistance for unexpected emergency financial needs that include emergency travel, housing, car repairs, utilities, dental expenses, food, vehicle winterization upon PCS, PCS-related expenses, funeral costs, and disaster relief (limited furniture, clothing, food). The Quick Assist Program allows command teams to approve up to $2,000.
AER has a national agreement with the American Red Cross to process AER loans for emergency travel and to avoid privation after normal duty hours by calling 877-272-7337.
Active-duty Army, retirees and their dependents, orphans and widows of active duty or retired personnel, ARNG and USAR Soldiers (while on Title 10 Orders) and their Family members are eligible for AER services. Military identification and documentation are required. Clients must show a need, and the need must fall within categories established by regulations and AER policy. For more information about AER, visit the AER website:
Fort Wainwright | 907-353-4332; Fort Greely | 907-873-2479 
A grassroots, Army-wide initiative to identify and prioritize issues to enhance standards of living for Soldiers and their Families by giving them an opportunity to voice what works, what doesn't and how to create solutions. It is responsible for many of the great benefits that make the Army a great career for Soldiers and their Families. AFAP is responsible for: minimum standards for Army childcare, development of first policy for the Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers Program, established Military Thrift Savings Plan, reformed military pay table (targeted pay raises) increased military annual leave carryover from 60 – 75 days and many more improvements that you enjoy today. Submission forms are available at
Fort Wainwright | 907-353-4332; Fort Greely | 907-873-2479
Army Family Team Building strives to educate and encourage service members, military Families and DA/DOD Civilians to become active participants and leaders in their community. AFTB Family training and readiness program that provides participants with an understanding of Army culture and the skills and resources they need to become self-sufficient members of the military community.
Fort Wainwright | 907-353-4337; Fort Greely | 907-873-2479
Unites all volunteers and organizations who rely on them. Strengthens volunteerism by enhancing the career mobility of volunteers, establishing partnerships, and promoting a lifelong commitment to service. This assists in maintaining readiness, sustaining communities and enriching lives throughout the Army.
Fort Wainwright | 907-353-4332; Fort Greely | 907-873-2479
EFAC Centers operating 24/7, established by garrison commanders with the help of ACS in response to deployments, natural disasters or catastrophic events to assist Soldiers and Family members with basic services. Other agencies may be asked to participate in the EFAC as local needs dictate. The National Guard operates FACs for Families who are geographically dispersed and located in remote sites. Operated as needed and as directed by the garrison command.
Fort Wainwright | 907-353-4337; Fort Greely | 907-873-2479
The Employment Readiness Program provides employment assistance to active duty, Reserve component, transitioning and retired Soldiers, Family members, and DOD Civilian employees in acquiring skills, networks and resources that will allow them to participate in the work force and develop a career/work plan.
Services available through,
A self-sustaining and expanding partnership between the Army and corporate America. The partnership provides Army spouses the opportunity to attain financial security and achieve employment/career goals through mobility and enhanced employment options. MSEP is a core component of the Employment Readiness Program to enhance and develop employment opportunities for spouses.
Fort Wainwright and Fort Greely | Bldg. 3414 | Rhineland Ave. | 907-353-4335
System Navigator | 907-353-4460
Bassett Army Community Hospital EFMP Office:
The Exceptional Family Member program is a mandatory enrollment program for any Army Family member with special needs. Program objectives are to advocate resources for Families with special needs, act as a command resource for helping Exceptional Family Member Families, and to work with Families to resolve special needs issues to include resources, housing, education and child services.
The EFMP provides support services, transition information and liaison services between Families, schools and social service agencies in Alaska. The EFMP team works closely with its MEDDAC EFMP partners. Some examples of special needs might include asthma, depression, anxiety, food allergies, behavioral concerns or speech delay. For command sponsorship questions, please reach out to the Bassett Army Community Hospital EFMP Office.
Fort Wainwright and Fort Greely | 907-353-4336
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The ACS Family Advocacy Program is designed to preserve and protect the family unit. The emphasis is on the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of family members through the development of programs that promote healthy family life. This program aims to prevent, identify and treat those families involved in incidents of spouse and child maltreatment. The FAP provides programs to educate commanders, units, Family members and others in the military community about family violence prevention and family wellness.
The ACS FAP offers family enrichment programs that cover the life cycle of the family, infants, children, teens, couples and parents. The classes include parenting, stress management, child development, stepfamily life, support groups and deployment issues. Services are available to unit support groups and family organizations. Call for listing of upcoming classes.
Fort Wainwright and Fort Greely | 24/7 Hotline 907-799-9770
Provides 24/7 services for victims of domestic violence. Victims have access to emergency assistance, information, referrals and ongoing support in accessing medical, behavioral health, legal and law enforcement services on and off garrisons. Available for both RESTRICTED (no command or law enforcement involvement) and UNRESTRICTED reports (full investigative process).

A Congressionally mandated program for abused dependents of military personnel. Legislation authorizes temporary payments for Families in which the active-duty Soldier has been separated administratively or by court-martial for a dependent-abuse offense. The TC Program offers benefits and entitlements for 12 – 36 months to eligible Family members. During this benefit period, beneficiaries are provided temporary financial compensation, and are eligible to receive medical care including behavioral health services as TRICARE beneficiaries. Recipients will also have Commissary and Exchange privileges during this period.

Fort Wainwright and Fort Greely | 907-353-2101
Provides professional social workers and nurses who offer supportive and caring services to military Families with children from birth to 3-years of age. Through a variety of programs including home visits and parenting classes, the NPSP provides opportunities to learn to cope with stress, isolation, post-deployment, reunions and the everyday demands of parenthood. The program is committed to developing strong Army Families and the prevention and treatment of Family violence. Its coordinated efforts are designed to prevent and intervene in cases of Family distress and to promote healthy Family life.
Fort Wainwright | 907-353-4459; Fort Greely | 907-873-2479
Provides education, training and counseling in personal financial readiness. Topics include wealth building, financial life-skills training, retirement planning, indebtedness, consumer advocacy and protection, money management, credit, financial planning, insurance, identity theft and consumer issues. Other services offered are mandatory personal financial readiness training for first termers, the Thrift Savings Plan, Blended Retirement System planning, Smooth Move (PCS) and financial readiness for deployed Soldiers and their Families. Personal financial counselors are nationally accredited financial counselors, and are available for individual, couple and family sessions. Unit trainings are available upon request.
Fort Wainwright | 353-4227; Fort Greely | 907-873-2479
The Army Community Service Information, Referral and Follow-up Program assists clients who are seeking answers or resources to address specific needs. The IR&F staff assesses the scope of the problem and provides resources for developing solutions. If necessary, referrals to other military and civilian agencies are provided to assist with personal, financial, family and marital problems. IR&F strives to provide Soldiers and Families with timely, comprehensive information on both military and community resources that will assist in meeting basic needs and improve quality of life.
Active duty and retired Soldiers, their Family members and DOD Civilians.
Fort Wainwright | 907-353-4332; Fort Greely | 907-873-2479
The Mobilization and Deployment Readiness Program provides active component and Reserve component Soldiers, Family members and DOD Civilians with assistance and services in support of mission readiness. MDRP provides a variety of classes, interactive workshops, Pre- Deployment Expos, Reintegration Workshops and support services to assist Soldiers and their Family members through the Contingency Response Force Readiness Cycle, ensures Soldier awareness of ACS Educational and Prevention Programs; Family Readiness Resources, Soldier Readiness Processing and Reverse SRP.
Fort Wainwright | 907-353-4332; Fort Greely | 907-873-2479
This training replaces Battle Mind Training. MRT training offers strength-based, positive psychology tools to aid Soldiers, leaders and Families in their ability to grow and thrive in the face of challenges and bounce back from adversity. Family Resilience Training trains the Soldiers’ Families in preparing for and managing the realities of the deployment and the transition back home. Operational Resilience trains Soldiers and leaders in preparing for and managing the realities of the deployment and the transition back home.
Fort Wainwright | 907-353-7908; Fort Greely | 907-873-2479
The Relocation Readiness Program provides services to inbound and outbound Soldiers and Family members with resources to ease the stressors that are often associated with relocating. Specialized programs and services include individual or group counseling, sponsorship and pre- arrival information, Newcomer Expo for all newly-arrived Soldiers and Family members and a Levy briefing for those departing, lending closet services (i.e. household kitchen items and appliances, mattresses, ironing boards, vacuum cleaners, flat screen TV’s and more), Citizenship Immigration Services, and multi-cultural programs. The Relocation Program manager chairs the Relocation Assistance Coordinating Committee and advises the Garrison Commander on relocation issues beyond the authority of individual RACC members.
Active duty and retired Soldiers, their Family members and DOD Civilians on PCS orders.
Fort Wainwright | 907-353-7908
Basic household items are loaned at no charge to Soldiers and Family members in transition. For more information on Lending Closet please call.
Fort Wainwright | 907-353-4332; Fort Greely | 907-873-2479
This training is designated for targeted positions within the Soldier and Family Readiness Group with six different modules: Foundations, Command Team, Command Family Readiness Representative, SFRG Leader, Key Contact and Informal Funds Custodian. Training focuses on mission-essential tasks and builds on the concept of Family readiness through the SFRG Mission. The SFRG Mission: act as an extension of the unit in providing official, accurate command information. Provide mutual support between command and the SFRG membership. Advocate for efficient use of available community resources. Help Families solve problems at the lowest level.
Fort Wainwright and Fort Greely | 907-384-0272
Bldg. 600, Room 128 | JBER, Alaska 907-384-0272
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The Survivor Outreach Services program provides long-term support to Families who have lost their active-duty Soldier. SOS works to build a unified support system for Surviving Families that links them to the Army Family and private organizations for as long as they desire. SOS is committed to providing local, convenient support, information, services and to serve as a single point of contact for questions and concerns. SOS also provides support groups, events and activities for Families to help them connect and heal. Financial counseling and grief resources are available to Families through SOS.
Survivor Outreach Services is available to all spouses, children, parents, siblings and anyone grieving the loss of a Soldier. Survivor Outreach Services will not turn anyone away and will tailor services based on the person’s eligibility.