Dept. of Public Works - Environmental
| USAG Alaska - Fort Wainwright
Natural Resources
Alaska is a state of extraordinary beauty with a wealth of natural and cultural resources. Because of its strategic location, the Army has maintained a presence in Alaska since 1867. The land managed by Fort Wainwright comprises almost 10 percent of the total training land available to the Army.
Fort Wainwright lies 120 miles south of the Arctic Circle near the cities of Fairbanks and North Pole in interior Alaska in the Fairbanks North Star Borough and is the fourth largest Army training area in the United States. Fort Wainwright consists of Main Post, Tanana Flats Training Area, Yukon Training Area, Donnelly Training Area, Gerstle River Training Area, Black Rapids Training Area, and Whistler Creek Training Area. Fort Wainwright undertakes a multiple-use approach to land management while still meeting the single mission use of the land (military readiness for national defense). Fort Wainwright provides for the conservation of the natural and cultural resources found within its boundaries through intensive Natural Resource, Cultural Resource and Integrated Training Area Management (ITAM) programs; actively seeks public input through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) program; encourages tribal consultation through the Native Liaison; and maximizes public access and recreation opportunities for hunting, fishing, trapping, wood cutting, hiking, subsistence activities and mushing through the Outdoor Recreation program.
Outdoor Recreation
For information on gaining recreational access to Fort Wainwright training lands, please visit the USARTRAK homepage, the home of Fort Wainwright’s conservation management program
2020 Integrated Natural Resources Management Plans
USAG Alaska INRMP Renewal 2020
- Fort Greely AAAF WASH 2019
- Fort Greely BLM PRMP 1994
- Fort Greely IPMP 2013
- Fort Greely IWFMP 2012
- Fort Wainwright BLM PRMP 1994
- Fort Wainwright IPMP 2018
- Fort Wainwright LAAF WASH 2016
- Sikes Act Tripartite MOU 2013
- USAG Alaska CLE SOP 2020
- USAG Alaska INRMP EA and FONSI 2007
- USAG Alaska Wildfire Annual Operating Plan 2022
- USAG FWA 190-13 2013
- USAG Alaska Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan 2020.pdf safe