Dept. of Public Works - Environmental
| USAG Alaska - Fort Wainwright

Cultural Resources

The Cultural Resources Management Program promotes good stewardship of the human-altered environment while supporting the Army's mission of readiness. The Program also develops materials and programming that support quality of life for the Soldiers and Family member of Fort Wainwright.

Federal laws such as the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guide cultural resources management. These laws require federal agencies to assess the impacts of their activities on cultural resources. The Cultural Resources Management Program is responsible for over 1.6 million acres of Army-managed land with a diverse array of resources including historic buildings, a National Historic Landmark, archaeological sites, and properties of traditional religious and cultural significance. Staff work to identify these resources and avoid or mitigate potentially harmful impacts of military activities. Cultural resources convey information about the Army's and our community's history. The proper management these valuable resources ensures they are available for future generations.

If you would like to share information or historic photographs of cultural resources on Fort Wainwright and its associated training lands please contact us at (907) 361-3002.

Cultural resources scenic image
Cultural resources historic image