
The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) is a Commander’s Program and a Soldier’s responsibility. The program provides transition assistance services to eligible Soldiers with at least 180 or more continuous days of Title 10 active duty service, except for those in a training status. TAP helps all eligible transitioning Soldiers discover knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to be competitive and successful in the global workforce.

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Transition Assistance Program Centers

We are establishing Transition Assistance Program Centers on our posts, camps, and stations where Soldiers and Families can find resources to assist them in making educated decisions and sound plans during all phases of their military lives: in-service, transition, and post transition. In some cases, all related services may not be located in one building, but they will be easily identified by the TAP logo. Synchronizing the efforts of TAP - related services furthers our goal of allowing Soldiers to "Start Strong, Serve Strong, Reintegrate Strong, and Remain Strong". TAP Centers are part of the initial phase in implementing my vision that all Soldiers are "Soldiers for Life". As such, transition services are available to Veterans and their Family members after transitioning from active duty.

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Boots 2 Business

Boots to Business (B2B) is an entrepreneurial education and training program offered by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as part of the Department of Defense's Transition Assistance Program (TAP). B2B provides participants with an overview of business ownership and is open to transitioning service members (including National Guard and Reserve) and their spouses.

About Boots to Business - U.S. Small Business Administration

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Career Skill Program

The Career Skills Program (also known as the Job Training, Employment Skills Training, Apprenticeships and Internships [JTEST-AI]) under the Department of Defense SkillBridge initiative, prepares Soldiers to transition from military to civilian employment. Career Skills Programs are vocational and technical training programs that focus on the practical application of learned skills and can lead to employment in a specific career or technical trade.Soldiers are eligible to participate in an Army CSP up to 180 days prior to separation from the Army and after completion of the mandatory 5-day SFL-TAP workshop. The use of permissive temporary duty (PTDY) to attend a CSP more than 50 miles away from the Soldier’s duty station may be granted at the Commander’s discretion. PTDY authority requires Commanders to establish command and control procedures and to ensure accountability during the duration of the CSP. Soldiers must also counseled on their financial responsibilities during PTDY status to attend an approved CSP for more than 50 miles from their duty station.

Program General Eligibility Requirements

  • A Soldier must complete at least 180 continuous days on active duty and is expected to be discharged or released from active duty within 180 days of starting CSP
  • Participation by a Soldier is self-initiated and approved by the first field grade commander authorized to impose non-judicial punishment in the Soldier's chain of command
  • The approval authority may terminate a Soldier's participation in CSP based on mission requirements. Upon notification that participation is terminated, the Soldier must immediately withdraw from the program and report to their unit of assignment

Three Types of Career Skills Programs

  • Apprenticeships – Generally a combination of on-the-job training and related instruction that may be sponsored jointly by an employer and union groups, individual employers or employer association
  • Internships – A type of work experience for entry-level job-seekers. Internships may be completed in federal, state or local government, or in the private sector and may consist of OJT and work experience
  • On-the-Job Training – Job skills learned at a place of work while performing the actual job

Career Skills Program in Action

A number of companies and training providers have already set up or are setting up training programs. The programs established by these companies are helping service members from all branches to transition to civilian careers. A training provider must offer enrollment at no or minimal cost to the Soldier. A CSP must offer a high probability of post-service employment with the provider or another employer.

Point of Contact

To obtain more information about career skills training opportunities, contact the Career Skills Program Installation Administrator:
Building 3401, Room 245
Email: usarmy.wainwright.id-pacific.mbx.sfl-tap-career-skills-program@mail.mil


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TAP Resources

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