Safe Haven AA&E
Primary: Physical Security Division
Physical Security NCOIC
DSN: 315-652-4361
Access Control NCOIC
DSN: 315-652-4099
Physical Security Officer
DSN: 315-652-4171
Alternate: Provost Marshal Office
Unit Commander
DSN: 315-652-5730
Operations Officer
DSN: 315-652-5646
Desk Sergeant
DSN: 315-652-4715
Mission Statement:
Provide professional installation security and force protection through Law Enforcement Operations, Physical Security Support and Fire Emergency Services while maintaining liaison with local agencies and sister services. As well as to provide a comprehensive and integrated emergency management system that coordinates community resources to protect lives, property and the environment through mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery from all natural and man-made hazards that may impact our Installation, the Torii Station and Okinawa community, and the United States Army.
DES Vision:
Assist, Protect, and Defend Our World Class Community. A team of dedicated professionals, providing customer and emergency services to those units and individuals serving our community, Army, and the Nation.
Directorate of Emergency Services (DES): Provide quality force protection, law enforcement, physical security, access control, Fire & Emergency services, and Police and Community Liaison Services to the Community. Provide oversight on installation law enforcement standards and initiatives for personnel, equipment and training. DES provides support in the areas of Law Enforcement, Fire and Emergency Services, Physical Security, Antiterrorism, Force Protection, and Emergency Management to protect property and the workforce. The DES consists of Law Enforcement (LE), Physical Security (PS), Fire and Emergency Services (F&ES) and Protection (P). Fire and Emergency Services (F&ES) Branch covers Incident Command and mitigation of all Installation emergency responses.