Welcome to the Water Resources page! Keep reading to find information on the Presidio of Monterey's drinking water, stormwater, and wastewater programs.
Drinking Water
Presidio of Monterey and La Mesa Village:
The California-American Water Company (Cal-Am) provides drinking water to the Monterey Peninsula, which is periodically tested to meet state and federal water quality standards. Click on Cal-Am’s Consumer Confidence Report for more details.
In accordance with Army Headquarters directives, Presidio of Monterey tested Cal-Am's finished drinking water for perfluoroalklyl substances (PFAS) in June 2021 to ensure that the drinking water meets the US Environmental Protection Agency's Lifetime Health Advisory Levels of 70 parts per trillion (ppt) for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). One sample was collected at the Presidio of Monterey, and one sample was collected at La Mesa Village. No PFAS compounds were detected in either location. If you would like a copy of the laboratory analytical report, please contact the Water Program Manager.
Ord Military Community:
The Marina Coast Water District (MCWD) provides drinking water to the former Fort Ord area, which is periodically tested to meet state and federal water quality standards. Click on MCWD’s Consumer Confidence Report for more details.
In accordance with Army Headquarters directives, Presidio of Monterey tested MCWD's finished drinking water for perfluoroalklyl substances (PFAS) in June 2021 to ensure that the drinking water meets the US Environmental Protection Agency's Lifetime Health Advisory Levels of 70 parts per trillion (ppt) for perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS). Four samples were collected within the Ord Military Community. No PFAS compounds were detected in any of the four locations. If you would like a copy of the laboratory analytical report, please contact the Water Program Manager.
USASA-POM Enclave (UPE):
Drinking water for UPE is provided by two groundwater wells located on the installation. The well water is chlorinated and sent to one of two water tanks for storage until it is sent out to consumers. The drinking water at UPE meets all state and federal drinking water standards. For more information and to see drinking water quality results for the previous year, please see the UPE Consumer Confidence Report linked below.
2020 UPE Consumer Confidence Report
Sharpe Army Depot:
Drinking water for Sharpe Army Depot is provided by two groundwater wells located on the installation. The wells are pumped to a treatment plant where the water is filtered and chlorinated before going to one of two water tanks for storage until it is sent out to consumers. The drinking water at Sharpe Army Depot meets all state and federal drinking water standards. For more information and to see drinking water quality results for the previous year, please see the Sharpe Army Depot Consumer Confidence Report linked below.
2021 Sharpe Consumer Confidence Report
Stormwater Management
Our stormwater management program aims to reduce the amount of pollutants that are carried by stormwater into the Monterey Bay. Street sweeping and storm drain system maintenance are conducted regularly and DPW staff receives annual training in management practices to reduce or eliminate stormwater pollution from the POM’s daily activities. For more information on stormwater illicit discharges and pollution prevention, please see the following brochures:
Stormwater Illicit Discharge Brochure
Stormwater Pollution Prevention Brochure

To report a suspected illicit discharge to the storm drain system or any other stormwater concern, please contact the DPW Environmental Division at (831) 242-7925.
Waste Water
Domestic wastewater from the POM and OMC is sent to Monterey One Water wastewater treatment plant where it is treated and recycled for use as irrigation across 12,000 acres of regional farmland.