Beginning on August 8, 2022, all non-emergency maintenance work requests across PoM shall be submitted via Previously, maintenance requests on PoM have been submitted via phone call or via Starting on August 8, 2022, only emergency maintenance requests will be accepted via phone call, all other requests must be submitted at This change improves DPW’s ability to most efficiently and effectively respond to and track work requests on the installation.
DPW’s service technicians can now receive those work orders directly from individual service members and civilians, rather than using a barracks manager or supervisor as a go-between to submit the work order. ArMA allows users to include photos, contact numbers and more information to make sure technicians arrive quickly and fully prepared to address the issue.
ArMA allows the user to enter requests via the website or app 24/7 and receive tracking numbers immediately without having to wait for a service representative to call back. Users can also check status updates of their service issues, submit questions, comments or responses, and complete automated customer satisfaction surveys through the system.
Question and answer:
Q1: What is ArMA?
A1: ArMA is a simple interface for use in all Army owned facilities around the world, where residents submit work requests and provide a description of their case. They can include photos of the maintenance problem using the app’s camera feature and access a maintenance catalog and list of services. Users can access ArMA by typing into their browser or by linking to it from Digital Garrison, the Army’s enterprise mobile app for installation services.
Q2: I live at Ord Military Community, do I use ArMA?
A2: Those who reside in non-barracks housing at POM, OMC, or La Mesa will continue to submit their work order requests through The Parks at Monterey Bay. The Parks at Monterey Bay has their own reporting system and that will remain the same. This change only impacts individuals living in the barracks on the Presidio and employees who work on PoM.
Q3: Why the change? It’s easier to call, can I still call?
A3: DPW operations and maintenance will use a blended approach to start this process, but we encourage anyone submitting a work request to establish an account with ArMA as soon as possible. Beginning 8 August 2022, we will transition completely away from using our call center to accept routine maintenance requests. All emergency maintenance requests should still be submitted to the call center for immediate action. Once we are fully transitioned to ArMA, it will be a more efficient way for DPW to accept work orders and for those individuals submitting work orders to check on the status of their order.
Q4: If I can’t talk to a live person to describe the issue how is this an improvement?
A4: ArMA enhances the ability to access up-to-date information about the status of maintenance requests that have been submitted and provides feedback once the work is accomplished. The new service allows the user to enter requests via the website or app 24/7 and receive tracking numbers immediately without having to wait for a service representative to call back. Users can also check status updates of their service issues, submit questions, comments or responses, and complete automated customer satisfaction surveys through the system.
Q5: What about emergency work order requests?
Q6: What do I do if I am having problems with ArMA? Who do I contact?
A6: Technical support (issues with the website, user accounts, etc.) will go through
To use ArMA, visit or follow the link from within the Digital Garrison mobile app.
Instructions for setting up ArMA account:
Follow the instructions below or watch the ArMA account setup how-to tutorial video here.
- Go to
- Select “Sign Up Now”
- Enter your email address
- Most users can self-certify (Military, GOV and Contractor) with their work email addresses (.ctr/.mil/ Otherwise, have a CAC holder with a .mil account within your organization sponsor you
- Enter your full name and personal/desk telephone number
- For Garrison, enter “Pres” and select “Presidio of Monterey”
- For Site, select “Presidio of Monterey” or “Ord Military Community”
- For Building, select your facility number
- For Unit, select your Military or Government affiliation
- Finally, create a password
Facility Managers - subscribe to recieve reports of requests submitted at your facilities:
- Note only users with “.mil” email addresses can sign up to receive facility reports
- Go to
- Select “Unit Report” to receive reports by summarized by Unit; Select “Building Report” to receive reports summarized by building
- Input your “.mil” email
- Choose the Units or Buildings for which you would like to receive reports
- Choose the day(s) you would like a report sent
- Note: A subscription verification email will be sent to you and you MUST reply to that email in order to activate your report subscription. Upon receipt of your verification email, ArMA will IMMEDIATELY send you your first set of reports