
Fort George G. Meade Equal Employment Opportunity Office (EEO) ensures that the work place is free from discrimination and harassment based on race, national origin, color, religion, gender, age, genetic information, disability (mental/physical), and reprisal. Zero tolerance for Sexual Harassment. Identify and eliminate barriers to advancement of individuals with disabilities, women and minorities.

Our office supports the agency’s responsibility of maintaining a model EEO program.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines state that a model EEO program effectively considers and addresses concerns arising under both Title VII and Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act. The six essential elements for a model EEO program, as outlined in the EEO Management Directive 715 are as follows:

  • Demonstrated commitment from agency leadership
  • Integration of EEO into the agency’s strategic mission
  •  Management and program accountability
  • Proactive prevention of unlawful discrimination
  • Efficiency
  • Responsiveness and legal compliance.



The Fort George G. Meade EEO envisions a workplace free of harassment and discrimination, one that fosters employee potential, enhances office morale, and enables mission success.


The FGGM EEOO supports the workforce through the implementation and management of its Complaint, Affirmative Employment & Disability Programs. Additionally, our objective is to RESOLVE all workforce complaints at the lowest level. Therefore, we offer to analyze, identify the root causes of workplace conflicts, track their trends and consult with leaders on strategies to upend and achieve an equitable work environment.


This office ensures the administration, implementation and compliance of Fort George G. Meade’s EEO program by supporting the Fort Meade Workforce in the following service areas:


Compliance and Program Evaluation

Establishes standards and ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. Includes: interpreting and applying laws and regulations, developing policies, collecting data and managing accommodation Issues.


Advisory Services

Advises all levels of management and employees regarding EEO related issues. Including: providing program overview, presenting briefings, facilitating sensing sessions and researching special problems.

Complaint Program Management

Processes all EEO complaints of discrimination in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations. This consists of all stages of the process including the necessary correspondence and coordination.

FGGM EEO Garrison Poster

EEO Information Guide

FGGM Complaint Flowchart

EEO Pandemic Preparedness in the Workplace

Facts about Discrimination in the Workplace

EEOC "The Law"

EEOC "The Law" (Spanish)


Training and Education

Provides proactive, on-going training and education programs regarding EEO and civilian employment issues for the Garrison. As a proponent for a positive work environment, Meade EEO offers a broad range of training for both employees and supervisors.

FGGM Training Request Form


Mandatory Training (350-1) EEO/No Fear Online Training

This course contains mandatory training regarding Equal Employment Opportunity, Army anti-harassment policy, No FEAR and prohibited personnel practices, including whistleblower protection laws. For ALMS courses, visit the ALMS website and use the Mandatory Training link on the left hand side of the home screen to access the correct course needed to satisfy the mandatory training requirements. Register for the course in ATRRS (either EEO Anti-Harassment & No Fear for Non-Supv EEO-203A or EEO Anti-Harassment & No Fear for Supervisors EEO-203B) FREQUENCY: Annual

Disability Program & Reasonable Accommodations (RA)

Direct, monitor and implement the Reasonable Accommodation Program according to the Army guidance identified in Army Regulation 690-12.

RA Fact Sheet and Procedures

EEOC Enforcement Guidance on RA and Undue Hardship

Reasonable Accommodation Request Form

Medical Inquiry in Response to an Accommodation Request (JAN)

Appendix C: Procedures for Providing RA for Individuals with Disabilities

EEOC COVID 19 ADA Rehab and other EEO Laws


Affirmative Action

Federal Agency Annual EEO Program Status Report

Army Directive 2016-25 (Civilian Employee Redress for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination)

Addressing Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Discrimination in Federal Civilian Employment

Policy Guidance on Veterans' Preference Under Title VII


Policies & Regulations

Command EEO Policy Letter

AR 690-600, EEO Discrimination Complaints

AR 690-12. Equal Employment Opportunity and Diversity

Anti-Harassment Policy Letter

Affirmative Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities/Part J of the MD-715

DA Reasonable Accommodation and PAS Procedures

FGGM FY23 DoD Component Disabled Veterans Affirmative Action Program (DVAAP) Plan


Related Links

U.S. Equal Employment Commission

Merit Systems Protection Board

Computer Electronics Accommodation program

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC)

DA Accessibility Statement