Sponsorship Program
- Tier level I – Advanced Individual Training and Officer Basic Course graduates will have a sponsor prior to publication of orders.
- Tier level II – E1 to E6, O1 to O3, and W1 to W2 will require sponsorship at the unit level prior to conducting their final out at the losing installation.
- Tier level III – E7 to E9, O4 to O6, and W3 to W5 may request sponsorship.
- Soldiers in the required tier levels must complete sections 1, 3, 4, and 5 of the Department of the Army (DA) Form 5434, Sponsorship Program Counseling and Information Sheet in the army career tracker (ACT).
- Soldiers attending Recruiting and Retention School will be assigned a sponsor during the course.
- Soldiers attending a permanent change of station (PCS) school longer than 20 weeks are not required to request a Sponsor.
In-Coming Personnel
Congratulations on your assignment to Fort Knox!
- While you are requesting Sponsorship to your new location you may also request youth sponsorship and information for your middle school and high school children at: http://knox.armymwr.com/, then click on Child and Youth Services (CYSS). Click on School Support Services and you will find info about area schools or successful transitions. Click on Youth Sponsorship Guidebook and you will find everything you always wanted to know about the Fort Knox area from a youth perspective.
- For additional resources to assist in your transition, go to http://knox.armymwr.com/, then click on the ACS tab. Click on Relocation Assistance Program located on the menu to the left, and view both local and Army-wide resources and links.
Out-Going Personnel
- Soldiers in the appropriate tier levels are required to have a sponsor prior to clearing papers being issued.
- Soldiers on Assignment Instructions are also required to complete the Total Army Sponsorship Survey and Electronic Sponsorship Training (eSAT) prior to out-processing.
- Total Army Sponsorship Survey: http://www.myarmyonesource.com/outprocessing
- Electronic Sponsorship Training (eSAT): http://www.militaryonesource.mil/moving/leaders?Content_id=268094